Amon Tatoos

heh, yeah i'd never get a thor's hammer tatooed.. thats too cliché as in not original. but i can still admire other people's mjolnir tatoos, but i wouldnt want one. i was thinking of an Irminsul tatoo but thats starting to be the new trend too so fuck that. i'm looking for something original and that i'd like of course.
do any of you know a good site which shows some celtic/viking/pagan related tatoos?
Oh yeah that would be rad! :D
but considering the french soccer team it would be more pertinent to say "allez les noirs"..
yeah, at a metal bar i met an italian legionnaire (french foreign legions) who had a mjolnir on his hand.. it looked pretty cool. he also had "S.K.I.N." on his right hand phalanges, and "H.E.A.D." on the left ones. but that guy was a pure psychopath. for example he lifted his shirt up and had a nazi eagle tatoo with a huge swastika on his chest... by the end of the evening he and his legionnaire friend (who was french) were drunk as shit started insulting four punks and they litterally kicked their asses damn hard 2 against 4.

anyway, i find it risky to have tatoos which are too visible.. (like on the hand for example) cause it could be a bother to get a job.
On my right shoulder I have a mean looking wolf with red eyes and a Valknutr on it's forehead. Written in runes above it is the word Ulfhednar. On my left shoulder is a Helm of Awe or Aegishjalmur with the runes Tiwaz(warrior - courage - battle prowess), Thurisaz(Thor's Hammer - power - invinsibility - harnessed chaos), Uriz(strength - health), Kauno(torch - pathfinder - enlightenment), Algiz(protection - refuge - opportunity), Ihwaz (defense - weapons expertise), Sowilo(light - energy - victory), and Ansuz(Odin - communication - wisdom - knowledge) at each end of the staves. All the runes have been consecrated for their purpose. I was thinking I'd stop there but who knows.
Patric said:
Glad you're going, do you have any special motive in mind?
yes, viking>celtic

I want to get a detailed Thor's hammer on my Calf. I also want to get an exacution scene on my back with people getting hung saying "kill em all" in swedish. Both of them in black.

I want more but i havnt decided what else yet, all i have right now is a design i did on my leg with i did myself, once i turn 18 ill get those.
have a friend draw my tattoo.
Going to be a viking shield with two swords crossing it.
Having the Othala rune on the shield and to the left of the shield my last name will be in runes, similar to this, (just the white, runes and lines) but going up/down instead of left/right.
my top 5 list of tatoos to get when I turn 89 are:

- I love Sussie right on my ass
- some chineese script/writing on my arm of course
- arrow accross the heart on my ankle in traditional redneck fashion
- some roses or an animal or some shit like that my belly button
- and of course Thor's Hammer is making that list now days on forearm or forehead perhaps
Tomasz: hhaahahaha

anyway, i'll ask again: does anyone know of a site where they show some examples of viking/celtic oriented tatoos?
Celtik Militia said:
Tomasz: hhaahahaha

anyway, i'll ask again: does anyone know of a site where they show some examples of viking/celtic oriented tatoos?

I would use google to search for such tatoos.
But I also know a site were you can find viking inspirated tatoos:

Got to > tattoos > fotos > and use 'vor' to go through the pages.
ok thanks for the site :)
i did use google but i never found anything very good... even the site you gave isnt that great.. remember i'm very difficult about what tattoo i want so i need a really awsome site that proposes an enormous number of tattoos all related to vikings or celts.. and i dont want a picture of a face, like a viking head.. i want a symbol.
but thanks for the trouble nonetheless ^^
i guess i'll look through my pagan metal albums and see if there isnt some sort of cool drawing that i can use as a tatoo. :p
Celtik Militia said:
yeah, at a metal bar i met an italian legionnaire (french foreign legions) who had a mjolnir on his hand.. it looked pretty cool. he also had "S.K.I.N." on his right hand phalanges, and "H.E.A.D." on the left ones. but that guy was a pure psychopath. for example he lifted his shirt up and had a nazi eagle tatoo with a huge swastika on his chest... by the end of the evening he and his legionnaire friend (who was french) were drunk as shit started insulting four punks and they litterally kicked their asses damn hard 2 against 4.

anyway, i find it risky to have tatoos which are too visible.. (like on the hand for example) cause it could be a bother to get a job.

SO am I getting this right... France's best troops are foreigners?:tickled:
Go back to that post that Patric made and find the link for the Danish studio. He's really good. I think there's a place called Sunnyway that has a website (google it). They have a pic that looks a lot like my aegismundr there (or at least they did). Otherwise it's all books - archaeological ones that show dead dudes with the tattooed skin still intact... The best thing is to draw your own, or to find an artist that you like, tell him/her what you'd like and have him/her design it./T
TheLastWithPaganBlood : actually, the majority of the soldiers in the french foreign legion are french (usually over 50% of them are french).. except after WW2 when about 60% of the soldiers were ex-german SS.. later many died for france in indochina (vietnam).
the use of the foreign legion is that you loose your nationality for the time being, which is why most people who do it are ex-cons or people who are trying to escape the law of their country (but it still happens that most of the soldiers are french originally). or it can be people who want to get the french nationality cause there's the famous "nationalité pour le sang versé" which means "nationality for the blood spilt (in battle)".
check out "french foreign legion" on if you want more info.

Tyra: oki doki, thanks i'll do that. :)