amp mod schematics


clown shoe baffoon
Nov 30, 2001
hey there everyone in the mad mad world of recording. does anyone know of a link or a place I could find mod schematics for amps to trick out my boogies, 5150's and marshalls? I am looking for some new things to make the amps crush but I do not want to send my stuff to voodoo amps because of the money when I can do the work myself!
Love Curran:goggly:
There was one for a 5150 kicking around on this form about a year ago... I'm not too sure what the link was tho. Try googling "5150 bias mod for dummies"
thanks guys I already have most of these links myself and I would be suprised if the bias mod does all of the things that it says it does. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh well I guess I just need to start re-evaluating the schematics and see what they can tell me. thanks again guys i do apprieciate it!

Love Curran:goggly: