Amp simulation software

Hammer Bart said:
On the songs I have up at soundclick, I used the Solid State lead pre amp, set to around 4-o-clock, as it's a good deal less "noisy" than modern high gain (of course that was cos I used to work in front of a CRT monitor. With my laptop, I can use the Modern High Gain no probs). To counteract the sterile tone of the solid state circuitry, I use the 100W Tube Power amp, and crank the volume all the way up, so you're adding distortion to solid state pre-amp drive - just makes it a bit rounder/smoother. Then obviously just turn the master volume of the plugin down to make up for all that volume added by the gain on the power amp. The American Tube EQ model is nice for playing on your own - nice scooped Metal sound, but in a mix, it just sounds thin. I usually stick to the Brit Class A EQ as it has more body and warmth, and then whack the high/presence up to take away that "under a blanket" sorta sound. Cab wise...can't go wrong with the Brit 2x12. It's pretty much all I use. That, or the Vintage Open Back 4x12, as that has a naturally airy sound. Just use the post amp FX section to put some bass back into it and your set. Or, if using the thinner souding cab presets, just switch mic placement to off axis, mic type to dynamic, and smack the high and presence up to full.

Yeah, thats basically the "The Famous High Gain" preset in Amplitube. I was messing with it all last night. Its very airy and has good bass to it. Although I was paranoid of messing with it and touchg the FX eq, I decided to juse use some post Waves REQ6 and the Sonic Maximizer plug-in. It got me pretty close to the Killswitch Engage"End of Heartache" crunch. My ears arn't too tuned to knowing what frequencies to cut/boost........ehh...but I guess I'll just post the sample on SoundClick.
johnzorn said:
....ehh...but I guess I'll just post the sample on SoundClick.

Hey, that'd be cool. Please post your preset too, and the waves eq setting.

I tried recording straight to my soundcard and it sounds much better. Started tweaking amplitube again, it's getting better and better, still I need more experience I think.
So I did this for fun, it's an older deftones track, around the fur. (and NO I'm not one of those lame-only-cover-playing dudes :) )

The drums were programmed in cubase and have DFH 1 samples.
I used amplitube on the guitars, the setting is mostly the one that was posted here (heavy eqing in amplitube), there's 4 layers of guitars recorded.
There's also a fake bass in there, I recorded the bassline on my guitar, pitchshifted it and sent it through amplitube.
The whole thing has a T-racks master.

just for fun and trying out these stuff. what do you think? :)
zenx said:
So I did this for fun, it's an older deftones track, around the fur. (and NO I'm not one of those lame-only-cover-playing dudes :) )

The drums were programmed in cubase and have DFH 1 samples.
I used amplitube on the guitars, the setting is mostly the one that was posted here (heavy eqing in amplitube), there's 4 layers of guitars recorded.
There's also a fake bass in there, I recorded the bassline on my guitar, pitchshifted it and sent it through amplitube.
The whole thing has a T-racks master.

just for fun and trying out these stuff. what do you think? :)

Judging on crappy pc speakers, I think it's pretty nice. Especially considering your 'bass'. It suits the style of music I think.
Are you using EMG's?

I'm looking at a POD XT Pro, and despite how many times I fall in love with the sound I keep getting sceptical about whether it will sound as good with my gear.

I'd prefer to use it through my 9005 power-amp / 4x10 cab but am worried it will just sound harsh and digital once the cab-mic sim is turned off.
Hey Razorback, I don't know if you were asking me. But, anyways...I just use my Gibson V's. They're stock, only non-stock things on them are Sperzel tuning heads....and stickers!!!
I run my Pod Pro XT thru a Summit Audio 2BA-221 vacuum tube mic pre and out into an Apogee PSX-100SE. I now do the same when using Amplitube. It's can hear that INFAMOUS fizzy sound with Pod Pro XT, but not with Amplitube. Alot of people don't like Amplitube, but you just gotta tweak the F**K out of it and have your guitar's incoming signal run thru a decent D.I. or mic pre before it.

This one was with Amplitube.
My site is really F**KED up now, and it's my host. We can hear the samples, but can't get to the forum page. They say soon will be fixed!
Kenny Lee said: can hear that INFAMOUS fizzy sound with Pod Pro XT

The 'fizz' is what I hate most about digital modellers. My current pre-amp in my rack is my old (and very dodgy) V-amp 2 and it ruins almost every sound with it's fizz, I'm currently trying to win a JMP-1 on Ebay so I hope that cures the problem!!

PS. The amplitube track is pretty good, i've had similar sounds out of amplitube myself but never deemed them worthy of being used in a track. To me they just seem to need too much external EQ/comp to be good.
I have been trying out all the software we were talking about lately and my opinons of them are:
- nomad rock amp: pretty bad stuff :-)
- guitar rig: doesn't sound good to me, not useful at all for high gain
- amplitube: with a lot of tweaking and using the equalizer a few decent tones can be achieved
- (don't remember the name): the simple JCM 900 simulator worked really great when I put the Tubescreamer in front of it (this from the same group), quite "real" in fact

I didn't have the opportunity to try the ampfarm though, how is it?
That's pretty nice. I should tweak around a little more with those.

And I agree with everything you've said regarding the different software processors. Amplitube is the only one I've been able to get 'decent' high gain tones with.

PS. What settings are you using with the software Tubescreamer and JCM?
Moonlapse said:
That's pretty nice. I should tweak around a little more with those.

And I agree with everything you've said regarding the different software processors. Amplitube is the only one I've been able to get 'decent' high gain tones with.

PS. What settings are you using with the software Tubescreamer and JCM?

I'd like to know those TS and JCM900 settings as well.

Sounds quite useable for demo purposes I think. I've heard people with expensive gear sound way worse than that.