Amplitube 4 Custom Shop limitations?


Apr 21, 2014
Montreal, Canada
Hi guys,

Was hoping that perhaps Amplitube 4 users could help me... I was interested in getting Amplitube 4, however the standard package, at 150$, seems pretty useless to me, as I am not interested in the gear that comes with it (5 British type amps, etc.).

I thought Amplitube 4 could work like their T-Racks softwares. That is, you can either buy a full package, or just download the Custom Shop and buy each gear 1 by 1. But it seems Amplitube 4 Custom Shop has limitations...

I tried the free Amplitube Custom Shop, and tested the amps, cabs, stomp boxes, that I am interested in. The thing is, there are many functionalities that don't seem to work, such has the new mic placement, speaker replacement, etc. that comes with Amplitube 4. Like they are locked unless I buy the standard Amplitube 4 package at 150$...? Or am I wrong? Are the functionalities not available because I am testing the gear (not yet purchased them), or because I am using the free Custom Shop, and didn't buy the 150$ Amplitube 4?

I sent them an email, but no answer so far... was hoping I might get an answer from another user on this forum.

Thanks all.