AMPS and Heads


May 15, 2002
Scotland, UK
Im looking for a new amp head... I play music in the vein of Pantera, Arch Enemy, Dream Theater and I have roughly £250 to spend. Any suggestions of gear I should check out?
I've been looking for an amp head too and have done alot of reasearch the past month, and although I've never heard one, the Randall RH100h or even better - RH200h, get really good reviews from the metal heads. I think they are in your price range, although I'm not too familiar with the exchange rate.

Myself, I've decided to bite the bullet and wait until I have enough money to buy a tube head. So it's gonna be awhile....

Check out
You'll get a good idea of whats out there and what you can get for your money. Good luck!
Well, you could use the exact same head that Michael Amott uses. The Peavey 5150. It costs around $400 or $500 on eBay. My friend also has one and is damn good for metal (paired with a cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30s).
Head kicks ass.:D


To be honest, I'm not sure I ever heard a 5150 but for the type of music you're playing a Marshall would work fine. I'd also check out some Laney stuff. I aint much of an amp guy but the few people I know that are say they prefer Laney over Marshall for that type of sound. I'm personally trying to save up for a Soldano. But that's just me.
If you decide to get a Marshall, I'd HIGHLY recommend that that you avoid the VS100. You can get them dirt cheap, but you're gonna need a distortion pedal, probably an eq pedal, and lastly, a "For Sale" sign!

...and head does kick ass!!:lol:
Yeah... I've heard good things about Peavy.

But from my personal experience... I know I don't like Randall. Marshall either (sorry, heh). For a cheap price... Crate does really well in my opinion. Really durable.
Our guitar players Randall decided to lose a wheel onstage at our last show... you should have seen it... :lol:
DONT GET A RANDALL!! I got one and now Im selling the piece of junk. The sound just pisses me off.

As for 5150's, well the one I played on sucked. I guess you have to replace the stock tubes and put some good speakers with it. If not the sound is just thin and crap. (Imo)

Lol, Im just really pissed off at amps in general.
LOL. Thats the type of amp I got too. The Warhead edition. lol what a piece of shit. I would change my name but Im too lazy.
Im going to have to go with Soultorn on the Crate heads. I have two of their solid state heads, the GX900H and the GX2200H. They're both fucking great. Give a nice distortion and all that jazz. The GX2200H is the best for your money, IMO. They will run you around $420 USD new, but you might be able to find one cheaper used. And don't worry if it's used. My GX900H has been to hell and back and it works great.
I have an old Crate Blue Voodoo head, one of the ones with the Blue Voodoo graphics on the chassis, not the plain white lettering like the newer ones, and it sounds just as good if not better than any Peavy or Mesa in my opinion, plus it just looks so damn cool when it's on:D They are noisy as fuck though:(
i have a crate turbo valve 120 head and cab. the distortion rots so i just use a metal zone. i never seem to be happy with my distorion no mater what my setup, i change my tastes like a woman. oh well, its loud and the cab holds 800watts so it works for me. oh, has anyone ever seen these turbo valves before? i sure a hell have not except for mine. anyway enough nonrythmic rambling
crate sucks. randall sucks (bad) and marshall aint the best either. i actually would recommend the vs100s if you're gonna go marshall, you gotta know hot to dial em though. i've heard soem great tone out of these. and chuck shuldiner used them as well. not the jcm2000s. i dont like those much. my next amp is gonna a peavy 5150. mesas also rule.