

Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
I am going to pretend like I didnt wake up an hour and a half late for my physics exam this morning. Infact, I am sure it was a dream. A dream that sucked, and will have serious reprocussions in the real world. Real world as in real life, not the TV show. EXAMS START WITH A BANG.
once i woke up to the phone ringing and it was my Honors professor. "The final started thirty minutes ago. Get down here." he ruled and ended up writing my recommendation to grad school.
Haha, that would be nice. I actually helped get this Prof. fired for next year. Put that on the list of things that come back to bite you in the ass. For the record things also on that list are... My cat Bealzabub... (insert your answer here)
i haven't experienced a final exam/midterm/test of any sort in something like 8 years. It's actually amazing to me that a person would have to go through that in *college*. It seems so degrading.