ProgPower USA XII: The Aftermath

After work, while working out at the gym and probably against my better judgment, went and listened to Vanden Plas The Seraphic Clockwork on my MP3 player and headphones. Holy shit, I just about did everything I could to hold back some tears when all those memories of seeing and hanging out with the guys came flooding back to me. God, how I already miss those guys!.

For some reason I almost always have Holes in the Sky playing inside my head. Yeah, they had that much of an influence on me! :Spin:
My sleep pattern was all jacked I finally realized I needed to take today off to set my ass straight again.
Back to the grind for me too....but glad to be home and to see the buddies (our dogs). already looking into fabrics needed for some new designs for next year, and some male clothing ideas.......And as usual have some homework to do before next year on the bands I am not familiar with....favorite part of the time between fests! only another 11months til I see my PP family again!
I came back being exhausted as fuck as I only had two hours of sleep Saturday night and not much more the other two nights I was in Atlanta. So, despite the fact that I'm training for a new job I got promoted to, it took a couple of days to be fully functional again. I'd do it again in a heartbeat though.
My sleep pattern was all jacked I finally realized I needed to take today off to set my ass straight again.
Yea, when mine gets jacked up I can't even force myself to get the proper amount when I get home. FINALLY last night got nine hours and feel "whole" again. Hopefully, can get back on a more normal schedule now.