An actual Alexi Laiho impersonation competition!!111

I... don't even know what to say to this.

Whoever enters must indeed ask themselves if their dignity is worth the price of that guitar.
EDIT: Sorry,US applicants only actually,sorry.

For Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Sake.
I just say we get the actual Wildchild to do it :P
If he get's to the US. Hehe
I think we already have a winner!!!!!

I actually randomly came across this the other day too. Funneh.

Delanoir said:
I... don't even know what to say to this.

Whoever enters must indeed ask themselves if their dignity is worth the price of that guitar.

Someone could so still do this with dignity intact. Like a parody with amazing skills acting as redemption. It would work well I'd think.
Anyway I bet most guitarists here have taken some aspect of how Alexi plays and worked it into their own routine. Little idiosyncrasies, the headbang, hair flip, power stance, maybe certain guitar techniques etc. Just making a vid covering yourself playing one of the songs that's highly influenced you and having some similar mannerisms slip out doesn't make you a fanboi. It's only natural to attempt to emulate someone you admire, and anyone that tells you otherwise is a blatent hypocrite.

Anyway, I remember for the Blooddrunk solo contest, Epi I think it was (?), done a delightful little video with wonderful guitaring to back it up. I can imagine he might do well at this.
You should give it a try. Just play some Blooddrunk song on your guitar (you'll sure play it 10 times better than most people, like the guy SomethingWild posted e.g.) and spit couple of times and give a couple of fingers during the breakdowns. I think you'll have serious chances of wining, and once again, free guitar is free, and it's not an AL-200. The 600 is actually pretty sweet.

Lol @ spit a couple times and give fingers. I'm gonna spit on my carpet because it is worth it to make a good video :lol: I mean I did just order power adapter for my camcorder so maybe I'll give it a go. And yes my dignity is worth the price of that guitar. I could actually use a secondary axe. Alternate tunings ftw.
^FFS you sure have a room in the home with no carpet. E.g. your kitchen. And it was an idea of a typical Alexi thing, not a must :lol:

Lowberg did an awesome vid for the Blooddrunk contest, I don't think Epi did because IIRC that one was also US only and Epi is finnish IIRC.

About this contest, I agree with happilemon that the dignity shit is not true. I don't see what's wront from recording yourself playing some Bodom/Sinergy song and making you look a bit like Alexi. Price is a free guitar of nice quality and seriously, there are tons of people that imitate stuff from their idols but now, when it is a contest, is loosing your dignity? And yes this goes to some people in here. When Mitch posted a vid of him playing with his Wildchild-like guitar and he drew the snake tatoo for the lulz and to see how it went I don't remember you people saying he was loosing his dignity. Why? Because he wasn't. He's an amazing player and while doing a vid of things Alexi has played and using a relly similar guitar, he drew those to give it a more similar look. What's wrong with that? It's not like he has it on every day. Same goes to a contestant who wants to give this a go and win a nice guitar. Also, if you're to answer this, please stay clear of the word fanboi. It's more than clear (I've said it a bunch of times) that I'm an Alexi fanboi, but this post hasn't been written from that perspective. If the competition was impersonating e.g. Jeff Loomis my opinion would stand the same. If the reply consists of "fanboifanboifanboiOMG" I won't bother reading it :)
ummmm Im getting a little annoyed at some of these commenst I keep hearing. "how gay" or "fail". COB are actually trying to do something for us and everyone keeps bitching about it. Would you preffer it if they just toured and wrote music with a "fuck the fans" attitude? I am very happy to see something like this, they are rewarding someone for their skill and dedication towards Children Of Bodom. They have to be able to cover one of the songs first and boo fucking hoo if they need to wear a wig and draw some tatts on and add some eye liner. Its all for fun, stop calling them fan bois, Im sure everyone here is a fanboi if they are dedicated enough to make a tab thread and learn the songs
Yeah Jose you're right, it was actually Epwspower's video I should have been talking about, though I don't think he even posts here anymore. The video link for his entry it isn't working anymore either so I can't show peeps what I mean. Basically he had the skills and the funnies. And posted some brilliant neoclassical music of his own at the begining which was lovely.

@eveningninja Yeah I was thinking about that part. I doubt they're too discriminatory about it in fairness since I think it's metalinjection themselves that choose the winner and not ESP or any PR people related to the band (I think). Maybe posting one of the better known songs like something they do often on tour might give you the slight advantage of it being recognisable instantly to everyone. Though I'm not sure if that's an advantage necessarily really.. Just pick your fav song,you'll have more fun with it that way :)
COB are actually trying to do something for us

i think the best route(the route me and my cohorts will take) is the interview route, since none of us can really play like alexi, we may have a stinit, of playing, but the magic and comedy will be in the voice and the mannerisms.
Someone could so still do this with dignity intact. Like a parody with amazing skills acting as redemption. It would work well I'd think.
Anyway I bet most guitarists here have taken some aspect of how Alexi plays and worked it into their own routine. Little idiosyncrasies, the headbang, hair flip, power stance, maybe certain guitar techniques etc. Just making a vid covering yourself playing one of the songs that's highly influenced you and having some similar mannerisms slip out doesn't make you a fanboi. It's only natural to attempt to emulate someone you admire, and anyone that tells you otherwise is a blatent hypocrite.

Very good point, and Jose as well. Quite true.
Im going to get horribly drunk and make one,

Do you think if I censored the cursing with bleeps it would be okay?

and when i mean horribly drunk i mean SUPER FUCKED.

And I'm just going to make fun of Alexi for being an idiot
Okay guys, you gotta help me think of shit to win this.

I'm thinking of doing a fake guitar lesson on like "How Alexi writes songs"

and I'll explain how first I must drink a lot of beer and then I'll make a shitty keyboard intro riff and do some whammy bar shit into a lead over it and then explain the most important part is to start screaming ya yow a bunch of times.

And inbetween each step I'll chug a beer as fast as I can, and hopfully I will have an insane amount of beers in a short amount of time and I will just end up puking by the end of the video
I gotta be honest this is pretty cool. Not the contest, not the fanboys, but the fact that Alexi has become such an icon and personality that people actually WANT to basically be him has got to be pretty flattering although creepy. To have such a style and personality that you've made something for people to copy off of is pretty unique and difficult but still really a big move for the band and probably affects him a fair bit, I couldn't imagine a company coming to me and pitching the idea for a contest like this haha!
Okay guys, you gotta help me think of shit to win this.

I'm thinking of doing a fake guitar lesson on like "How Alexi writes songs"

and I'll explain how first I must drink a lot of beer and then I'll make a shitty keyboard intro riff and do some whammy bar shit into a lead over it and then explain the most important part is to start screaming ya yow a bunch of times.

And inbetween each step I'll chug a beer as fast as I can, and hopfully I will have an insane amount of beers in a short amount of time and I will just end up puking by the end of the video


Say "you know" between every other word. Alternate with "Dude."

Fall and "break your shoulder" at some point, cut to technical difficulties, and then have your arm in a sling for the rest of the video.

Wear a bandana and backwards baseball cap.



Sharpie tattoos.