An actual Alexi Laiho impersonation competition!!111

That's sure gonna be fun :lol:

So do you think one's chances of winning would be greater if playing a BD song rather than an old song?

If I were to make a vid I'd much rather play something from HB or FTR but I'd think that they'd rather see something more recent perhaps.

As happilemon said looks like Metal Injection wil be theones judging so shouldn't be a problem, but I'd also go for something easily recognisable. Why don't you pull of SNBN and then you'll have both a classic and something that is frequently on the set (actually just made it back for the last tour after skipping the European tour :mad:)?

Okay guys, you gotta help me think of shit to win this.

I'm thinking of doing a fake guitar lesson on like "How Alexi writes songs"

and I'll explain how first I must drink a lot of beer and then I'll make a shitty keyboard intro riff and do some whammy bar shit into a lead over it and then explain the most important part is to start screaming ya yow a bunch of times.

And inbetween each step I'll chug a beer as fast as I can, and hopfully I will have an insane amount of beers in a short amount of time and I will just end up puking by the end of the video

They may take it as disrespectful and get you out of the thing, but sure will be fun to watch :) You definitely have to get the "you know" and various forms of "fuck" in there, and don't forget nail polish and perhaps drawing the snake with some painter, and then perhaps a demonstration vid with couple of drinking could be good. Or a demonstration vid plus a bonus end demonstration on how to make a white russian :lol:
Why don't you pull of SNBN and then you'll have both a classic and something that is frequently on the set (actually just made it back for the last tour after skipping the European tour :mad:)?

Dude that sounds good. I never entered the last competition - Blooddrunk solo - cuz I'm a lazy bitch who never gets anything done, so I'm gonna make sure I get this done :cool:
ummmm Im getting a little annoyed at some of these commenst I keep hearing. "how gay" or "fail". COB are actually trying to do something for us and everyone keeps bitching about it. Would you preffer it if they just toured and wrote music with a "fuck the fans" attitude? I am very happy to see something like this, they are rewarding someone for their skill and dedication towards Children Of Bodom. They have to be able to cover one of the songs first and boo fucking hoo if they need to wear a wig and draw some tatts on and add some eye liner. Its all for fun, stop calling them fan bois, Im sure everyone here is a fanboi if they are dedicated enough to make a tab thread and learn the songs

I think a fanboy is someone who keeps admiring a band no matter what they do. That doesn't apply to me and some other people here, who will say when something's wrong, like when there's too heavy drinking and too heavy music, when it crosses the line of credibility or threatens the band's capability of producing more of that great music.

As for the impersonator competition, it'll sure be a lot of fun. Some of the Alexi impersonators are rather sad cases tho.