Just found out about an AMAZING Farmer's Market every Sunday afternoon only a few mils down the road from me. Bunch of local farms attend and one in particular which I wanted to setup an appointment for anyway is there. Gotta get me some raw milk, free range, grass fed beef, chicken, and eggs, cheese, and fresh local, seasonal veggies. I'm fucking PUMPED and it will be a weekly visit for me from here on out! :kickass:

btw rendang was hella good but i put too much chile in there and my stomach/anus did NOT LIKE IT one bit, ughhh
oh yeah and i fully intend to get a slow-cooker

can't really justify the purchase of a Crock Pot(TM) but there's this off-brand one i found that is like 1/4 of the price

Plus this

Plus this

was dinner last night. Not actual cooking, more just like heating things up that were pretty much cooked already and mixing them together. Still rocked, though.
I accidentally left it simmer for 5.5 hours, but all I have to do is put a little bit of water in it, and it's great.
Yeah, I had a terrible time finding some of the spices because they aren't organized and you just wander around until you see an Asian that looks like he works there.
i had no real trouble finding anything because we have a thai store in town

i now have way more lime leaves than i will probably use in my lifetime though because they only had them in giant-ass bags
yo today i'm making a variation of this

i'm using white cabbage instead of red and i put some lime leaves and lemongrass in there too
the fish is some abborre that me and my girlfriend fished a couple weeks back.

I CAN REALLY RECOMMEND THIS RECIPE, it is very easy (everything goes into one pot), very good for you, very quick, VERY FUCKING TASTY (it's seriously better than you're thinking it probably is) and very cheap (cabbage and carrots aint no thang, white fish is free if you fish yourself or cheap if you buy it frozen)


aaaa my stovetop is filthy dont look at it
I have been cooking tons of thai curry lately. Just cutting up some veggies and then having a can of the curry from the Asian store. It rules.
ya making "thai" food is pretty simple

can of coconut milk, curry paste, then just put whatever the hell you feel like in the pot
On the menu tonight, preservative filled chicken with genetically modified peas in a pod and inorganic potatoes with synthetic butter.