An e-Troduction, of sorts

that was directed to the shit about ghosts not being able to post.

also, hi coma chameleon

(only a sample of the incredible board wit alex mentioned)

Slobodan is so over, it's all about the Scorpions paramilitary unit baby!

I do keep a picture of Slo hanging in my apartment though, its the first thing you see when entering. It's an old picture, late 80s perhaps, with a smirk on his face saying "I'm totally ready to run this nation into the ground, yo!"

Once it did get us out of the cops coming and most likely several arrests when I was thowing a party, because the old lady that lives above me came down to complain about the noise but upon seeing the picture of Freeday GentleFucker (a literal translation of his name) she got a lump in her throat and told us we were good kids and to just not slam the elevator door anymore.

Old people love Slobodan.
Wow, so many overnight replies filled with so much crap I have no idea about. Excellent!

I am at work, however, illegally [this company is above the law] using the display computers in my consumer electronics store to make this reply.
Thanks. It means a lot to me... really...


Here, enjoy a picture

That's so cute!

hi New Sleep. I bought a book recently. It's called Natasha's Dance. It is about Russia. I find Russia fascinating. You are Austrailian. Today we painted at Cabrini Green. Ate at Ed Debevics. Afterwards we went to Second City Comedy Club. Thank you for your support.