An example of my work

So, here is a track from a band called Nemecic.
The song is from their demo that I recorded, mixed and produced.
Mastering was done by Mika Jussila at Finnvox.
Be so kind and leave a comment about the production.

I like it! Very pleasent sound, man! Great vox & good guitar sound. Sorry, I don´t find anything to criticising:headbang: That´s a good sign ;)
sounds REALLY good!

the only thing I can criticize is some weird peaks in the snare drum. I've had it too a few times, was a combination of transient designer settings and masterbus compressor settings. It's not too bad though... I've heard it on more (professional) records too.

Thanx for the commet.
The snare thing is something that I have been strugling with lately. I'm sure it is a tracking thing. I must keep my focus on that the next time around.