an how about a video?!

Sounds like a nutter to me... I'd have taken the money and run. Then, for the video, how about a CGI-rendered pig's head nailed to an old one-armed fruit machine, mouthing the words along to the song, and everything all sped up and changing from day to night like in the background.
Strangelight said:
Ah Don its a totally different game to what we're doing. Actually, the very first label who were interested in us was a major label but I got scared off by a few things. Since then we have had the chance to sign with 2 big labels, one who offered a lot of money up front and another where again we would have had big advances, budget etc.. but neither mine or the boy Moss's arse is for sale :)
Not for now anyway...

dunc, would you please explain to me what is wrong with signing with major labels? do they make you do stuff you DONT want to do?
Dora said:
and its not them who needs to be changed. Change the fuckin dumbass retards in the world who dont buy their stuff! (but i guess that would need some genetic change in humans as most of them are shite. maybe its better to make shaved apes evolve :) )

Übermensch theory?
Don Corleone said:
dunc, would you please explain to me what is wrong with signing with major labels? do they make you do stuff you DONT want to do?

They can do what they want with you most of the time. Even if you're George Michael and that. I know a few people whos bands have signed to majors. One of them went to Seattle to record and album that was never released. They were dropped and written off as a tax loss. The band never recovered after losing so many years waiting around, as they were promised everything. A similar thing happened to the other one as they werent marketable enough. Sound eh? It would certainly be the end of my career like. I cant compete with Justin Timberlake with a beard like this, Mick could though, so they would just force Mick into a solo career as a singer/dancer. No good to me :(
i hear ya on that one strangelight. i know someone else who was on a major label and when the band starting having problems, they went with the other singer and helped her boost her career. while the other released a very well done cd that is still struggling to get airplay after 2 and half years.

i say money isn't worth cashing in on your morals and integritity.
Strangelight said:
I cant compete with Justin Timberlake with a beard like this, Mick could though, so they would just force Mick into a solo career as a singer/dancer. No good to me :(

You could still be marketable as Father Christmas, can't see what's wrong with that :Smug:
livingdead_girl said:
i hear ya on that one strangelight. i know someone else who was on a major label and when the band starting having problems, they went with the other singer and helped her boost her career. while the other released a very well done cd that is still struggling to get airplay after 2 and half years.

i say money isn't worth cashing in on your morals and integritity.

sure, it would be quite hard to cash in on an album that never got released anyway. Plus, I dont think I'm capable of making music that those labels would want to release. 'Over Your Shoulder' and 'Psalms' could have been successful singles with the right promotion though.
Dhatura said:
You could still be marketable as Father Christmas, can't see what's wrong with that :Smug:

I suppose so, but having lots of little girls and boys sitting on my knee for 2 weeks a year wont feed my rock appetite. Especially when Mick will on MTV every 10 minutes, dancing with his face dead close to the camera.
:( I cant do it Jackie!!:yell:
Strangelight said:
I suppose so, but having lots of little girls and boys sitting on my knee for 2 weeks a year wont feed my rock appetite. Especially when Mick will on MTV every 10 minutes, dancing with his face dead close to the camera.
:( I cant do it Jackie!!:yell:

Ehh, ehh, you could have fulfilled your appetite rockin' around the Christmas tree, respecting all those good oldies. :erk: