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Awesome video. Watched it on You Tube some time back, have watched it many times since then. Russell Allen is so incredible. I am without a doubt his biggest fan on earth. He is one of the greatest vocalists that ever lived, and I put him up there with Lou Gramm and Paul Rodgers. (Bet he knows who they are, too..........)
Great video. Saw it on YouTube too. Some parts cut--I understand that it must be done (in a warped way, for the average bloke who knows nothing of SyX, let alone prog), though I still would have wanted to see them on the video.
Not being a douche...but I love the song. It's absolutely awesome. But their videos are too cheesy for me to watch man...they make me feel gay lol. I understand they need the swords and fighting and whatnot but it seems like they could do a much better job at production. -shrug-

Seems like the video is missing something important; not sure what it is.

Regardless...still my absolute favorite band no matter what.
They just want to have a little fun with the songs' content. Considering that Romeo believes music is supposed to be an escape from reality, I'd say the videos were a success. Would you rather have shots of the band in various areas of New York City with Romeo shredding out his solo on top of a double-decker bus?
They just want to have a little fun with the songs' content. Considering that Romeo believes music is supposed to be an escape from reality, I'd say the videos were a success. Would you rather have shots of the band in various areas of New York City with Romeo shredding out his solo on top of a double-decker bus?

As long as all members are wearing large amounts of bling and Allen has a golden grill.
And seriously, considering that they have no budget to make it like The Lord Of The Rings or something, that video is quite good.
But their videos are too cheesy for me to watch man...they make me feel gay lol. I understand they need the swords and fighting and whatnot but it seems like they could do a much better job at production. -shrug-

To each their own, i can't argue with opinion. But really, in the end this kind of stuff is what metal is all about. I mean, can you imagine Maiden without a gigantic mummified Eddie popping out from behind the drum riser or cyber eddie coming to do a laser battle onstage? Where would Priest be without the S&M gear? It's like Manowar without the bikes. Metal was built on being over the top and at some point you just have to give in. I mean, i've had times where i'm like 'nah, that band is too gay even for metal', but cheese is always welcome. I think this video was done right, and while some of the CG wasn't the best, they did awesome on a budget.

And if we're going to talk about videos on a budget that are still awesome, look no further than Flight of Icarus.