Set the World on Fire video

Jax said it wasn't being aired on t.v dude! Its only being posted on their blog or summit!

That video was awesome. Yes, there are parts where you laugh but it's a laugh because your brain does not know which other emotion to show for how awesome the video is. The matrix thing at the end was pretty cool actually.

So it's going to be on headbanger's ball tomorrow night on mtv2 on t.v. ?

So the label tells me..

I have my dvr set up already. :)

Please man, read.. please read
Yup, IOMA was wrong about the actual tv airdate, it WAS just on the web for now.

Make sure you go leave a comment on the MTV's awesome to see so many people stopping by there to say something. :D
lol I'm late for the thread.

The video kicks ass, but definitely qualifies for cheesy. The fight scenes looked way too much like somebody took a fight scene from Power Rangers and said to Michael Bay "Hey, make this kinda cool, and put Symphony X in it." But I really liked how many shots of the band there were. I wasn't too fond of how many Romeo solo shots there were, and there were even less shots of Lepond in this video than there were in the Serpent's Kiss video. Srsly, not cool.
Yeah, I was also amazed that there were hardly any Lepond shots. I actually had to watch it a couple of times to find them. And as I said earlier, kick ass video, but absolutely ridiculous
It's not just the angles, but the ever so popular quick edits on the angles. Sometimes I have to take a Dramamine before watching most music videos.
That's the only neg I have, the vids are awesome!
What I feel is a fantastic move for the band is the consistency they have kept in the imagery, color scheme, and band presentation between the album cover and these two videos. At a point where the band is (i.e. taking on a lot of new fans) a consistent presentation that will stick in the mind as 'that's the band with X colors and X imagery' helps forge that early identity. Very smart.

Great video, very enjoyable and a nice break from what has been 'lets just set up our amps and drums and shoot assorted angles of the band playing in our street clothes' in metal recently. The proper amount of cheese for a band already committed to writing on "cheesy" topics. No sense denying what you are as a band, even if a few people snicker.

Consider me very impressed with what the band is doing to develop themselves in the public eye - and a perfect time to start making videos with YouTube , etc. providing a new medium where videos can actually be seen. Probably a better marketing tool now than MTV ever was.
The proper amount of cheese for a band already committed to writing on "cheesy" topics. No sense denying what you are as a band, even if a few people snicker.
Absolutely. It's about doing the shit you love, not about what people expect to / want to hear. There isn't a metalhead alive who hasn't snickered at Dio at some point, and likewise there's not a metalhead alive who doesn't consider Dio to be one of the top five influential and greatest metal musicians ever. These things are usually a matter of opinion, but honestly with Dio it's not. Dio is metal.

But yes, SymX is doing a great thing, making music they like and obviously people are responding favorably.

and a perfect time to start making videos with YouTube , etc. providing a new medium where videos can actually be seen. Probably a better marketing tool now than MTV ever was.
Also agreed. MTV is so fucked now by the fact that they barely even recognize anything that's not hip hop or "bro metal" (pantera, hatebreed, anything that has a fanbase consisting of only those who go up to their frat buddies with an overenthusiastic "Whussup bro!?" and are serious). It's good to see that bands can actually get their videos out there, people can link to them on their myspace or put them on forums... it's really a great opportunity overall.
Approximately how many times have the 2 music videos been shown on MTV or MTV2? I'm kind of curious about how much exposure the band has gotten because of those videos. I haven't had any of those channels for years.

I don't think Serpent got MTV airplay, but World has been shown several times on different dates thus far..
I don't think Serpent got MTV airplay, but World has been shown several times on different dates thus far..

Ah. Thanks for the info. I suppose that info alone is enough to be able to conclude that they're one of the most popular bands in Progressive Metal.