An incredibly stupid question

Ultimate_Symphony said:
That single sentence summed up your level of intelligence pretty well :rolleyes:.

Excuse me, but how does my sentence imply that I am dumb? Nothing in that sentence besides the "Horatio" would imply that my intelligence is low, but you need to understand that the "Horatio" was for comedic effect. Why don't you quit being a douche and stop calling people dumb in a condescending way which doesn't even make sense, unless you're refering to the painfully obvious comedic remark which would show that you're a complete moron. Douche.
MURAI said:
Yes, I hate that emo-hardcore or emo-metalcore or whatever shit. I hate their pansy vocals. Listen to Haste and you will see what I mean.

Haste is just modern hardcore/hard rock. There's nothing wrong with them in the context of the style of music they play. They're not trying to be metalcore and they're not "emo".

Ultimate_Symphony said:
Excuse my ignorance, but what is NWOAHM?

Looking at the bands listed, it would be reasonable to contrive from that, that it means New Wave Of American Heavy Metal, although it's wrong, because most of those bands are thrash and not "heavy metal".
UltimateMetalFanatic said:
Excuse me, but how does my sentence imply that I am dumb? Nothing in that sentence besides the "Horatio" would imply that my intelligence is low, but you need to understand that the "Horatio" was for comedic effect. Why don't you quit being a douche and stop calling people dumb in a condescending way which doesn't even make sense, unless you're refering to the painfully obvious comedic remark which would show that you're a complete moron. Douche.
You didn't even understand why I was being sarcastic and yet you have the balls to call people morons? :err: Anyway, stop being such a hypocrite. You call this guy a retard because he didn't know what NWOBHM stands for (big fuckin' deal) and you get pissed because someone else implies that you're a moron because of it? :err:

One thing is being a retard and another thing is not having the knowledge about a certain subject; your inability to recognize this certainly says a lot about yourself.

Oh and btw, if your post was meant to be a joke (which I doubt), I gotta say that it was pretty tasteless.

Looking at the bands listed, it would be reasonable to contrive from that, that it means New Wave Of American Heavy Metal, although it's wrong, because most of those bands are thrash and not "heavy metal".
Ultimate_Symphony said:
You didn't even understand why I was being sarcastic and yet you have the balls to call people morons? :err: Anyway, stop being such a hypocrite. You call this guy a retard because he didn't know what NWOBHM stands for (big fuckin' deal) and you get pissed because someone else implies that you're a moron because of it? :err:

Please tell me why you were being sarcastic, I personally thought it was a straight forward insult to my intelligence, but I could be a dense person. Also, how am I being hypocritical. I don't go calling people retards for no reason, I made my reason perfectly clear when I posted, but you, yourself did insult my intelligence without reason.
UltimateMetalFanatic said:
Please tell me why you were being sarcastic, I personally thought it was a straight forward insult to my intelligence, but I could be a dense person. Also, how am I being hypocritical. I don't go calling people retards for no reason, I made my reason perfectly clear when I posted, but you, yourself did insult my intelligence without reason.
Yo get pissed because someone else (me) insults your intelligence and you were the first one here insulting people for unjustified reasons. That's why i'm calling you a hypocrite.
I've got another stupid question.

Why does everyone hate Trapt so much? Other than "Headstrong," of course.