An Interesting Twist


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
In an effort to bring more thoughtful posting to this board, I have thought of another intersting thread.

If you could add one interesting or unusual twist to In Flames right now, what would it be? Be creative, and throw in an unexpected event, not just a boring stereotypical comment.

Glenn rejoins In Flames, making it a six piece band with three guitarists.

Your turn.

Anders decides to do Passenger full time... Band gets Tompa to sing... Band plays to their potential and stops this shitty stuff they are doing now.
LordHypnos said:
In flames gets on stage with AK-47s and shoots morons like stefan and needled24/7

that would be an enjoyable twist. :tickled:

I think golf clubs would be better for ass whoopin', but, that would be good.

LordHypnos said:
In flames gets on stage with AK-47s and shoots morons like stefan and needled24/7

that would be an enjoyable twist. :tickled:

hehehehe.. good one, but i was thinking something like an RPG or maybe a Gatling Minigun.. hehehe..
-- ok ok... in flames.. yeah!

On their next album, they invite and entire orquesta an chorus, they smash the lame keyboards an get a good PIANO... and, altought they have a huge orquesta, they record the heavyest album ever.... with Glen as guest guitarrist. :hotjump:
Maybe a Gothic/Death Metal album,... (like Dark Tranquilly's projector) and they could invite Tarja from Nightwish as a guest. and put some classical music as well.
Maybe it would be better if In Flames brought the AK47's on stage and shot Anders instead of the fans. Oh wait, that wouldn't be cool, would it?

Maybe a twist would be NO stage outfits, and normal clothing.

Maybe another twist would be Daniel to start growing his hair out, just like the rest of the band.

Or maybe even another twist would be to bring their old producer back. Hell, that would be a nice one too.
Have Daniel grow his hair out?!?! you cant be fucking serious, i think he has the right to have his hair anyway he wants, and they can wear what they want, without the fucking fashion police reporting them...get a life you fruit stand!
Daniel plays to his full potential on the next album. He really hasn't been doing as well as he could in In Flames. He did much more for Sacrilege, and he should do that again.

LordHypnos, are you really that stupid? Did I say I WANTED him to grow his hair out? Did I say that the band would better if he did? No, I did not. The whole point of this thread is to supply interesting twists about the band that would surprise the fans and/or band members. It is obvious that if Daniel started to grow his hair out, the fans that actually know the band would be very surprised because he's never done it before. But, the question is, does it really matter that much? No. For me, I don't really give a shit what he does. It's up to him. I think it's about time for you to open your eyes and read what people write, and maybe, just maybe you can comprehend what this whole thread was about. Fruit stand ;)