An old and very interesting post from D Mullholland- Functional Music


Nov 19, 2001
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I noticed this post, and since I am in contact with D Mullholland who is in metal exile- I thought it would be interesting to repost it- and get some fresh reactions.

Some thoughts expressed in the 'what do you respect in music' thread have pointed my thoughts in this direction. Does music have a clear purpose ? Does music have to be Functional ?

I'll try to define Functional music here.

The first thing that comes to mind is the more empty-headed versions of dance music. With an omni-present monotonous thumping beat being the foreground component, this music has a clear purpose : it's designed to be danced to. Can it be enjoyable outside the gathering of dancers (a club, a party, etc) ? The beat becomes tedious when you listen with your full attention. Other than as a social show-off and keeping up with trends to be 'cool', does anybody listen to dance music ? I think not. The so-called 'intelligent dance music' notwithstanding, but my knowledge in that area is limited - I think the form is not the biggest problem, but the usual lack of substance in the popular specimens of dance, as well as the limitations put on by the category itself (a static, loop-beat is a necessary part, and thus limits the possibilities of expression) mostly lead towards artistic inferiority. So, dance music in general is Functional music.

Functional music is music which is valuable in a local space, but has little value outside this space - in the global musical universe. Functional music has a local purpose.

But : when we accept this definition, we can see that Functional music is not limited to dance.

Political messages in music : can they be a form of artistic expression ? Politics is always external to the artist, and this sphere does not have laws, ideas and images carved in stone. It's amorphous and constantly changes. The artist can react only to a momentary tide in politics, with a statement, usually a back-fire or knee-jerk statement. With passage of time, the message becomes obsolete, unless it's a mindless generalization ('yah yah, all government iz bad, they lie to us, freedom to tha niggaz, fuck tha police etc'). So - it fits the definition. The value of political art is localized in time and location and has no value in a different society/country or era. Political music is Functional music.

Metal. Can it be Functional ? A lot of teenagers turn to aggressive music as an embodiment of protest against parental authority and society. Some of them do it just to be 'different' - see the frequent elitism of extreme metal fanatics. Most of these people stop listening to metal and dismiss it later, they say "we have outgrown it", when they achieve a stable social status (job, family). They are ashamed of it as an adolescent indulgence. It can be argued that such people were never really into music, they only turn to the available and 'safe' forms of protest. Here is a different example. Many metal-listeners admit that they like only aggressive and evil music. They use music as an imaginary enemy on which they are projecting their hatred and frustration. They go to concerts for more of the same - with all the constant moshing and headbanging how much attention goes to the music, excepting the rhythm (a close similarity to the functionality of dance music, no ?) - is there much value in the music of Deicide or Cannibal Corpse outside the concert venues ? Can it be listened to with full attention ? An example of functionality ? Probably, yes.

(Note : the aggressive black metal concerts are a bit different story. The troo ubermenschen prefer to listen to the raging messengers of Asmodeus standing 'proudly' with crossed hands and a 'grim raven stare' on their skeletal faces. Upon seeing this, Scooby Doo stumbles and runs away into the night, howling.)

Sad and depressing music (including doom-metal). This may be more subjective on my part, but I can't force myself to take statements like "This music is the apotheosis of sadness, it should be listened to when thy beloved dumpeth thee, and do not forget the obligatory glasse of wine under a weeping willowe" seriously. I apologize if I hurt someone's feelings here. I'm not here to say that "doom sucks" (or "black/death sucks", for that matter) - My Dying Bride is one of my favourite bands, and I value heartfelt, emotional music. But I never feed my mood with music. The best music always brings a mood with itself, together with its world of images. When I'm feeling bad, I don't want to have my head beaten down with barrages of low-frequency minor chords and 'sad' word-sequences which can form an illusion of emotionality just by extensive inclusion of the words "weep", "grief", "shadows", "darkness", "loneliness" etc. I'm not really into using music to perform a Function.

The list can go on and on...

For what it's worth, even academic/classical music can be Functional. Witness how many older people who don't really give a shit about feeling the music, go to opera and classical concerts. It's a social thing for the 'higher society'. They go mostly to the concerts of established performers, and to a lesser extent, the established composers (mostly those whose names begin with B). Such people would go insane when they'd hear some late 20th century music - classical as much as the B-dudes were classical. On the other hand, the contemporary classical concerts are filled with younger snobs who don't really try to understand or feel the music, only to keep a clever and thoughtful faces before their friends/girlfriends, while thinking about the beer they'd better have now. Unfortunately, they use this music as Functional.

I prefer to keep Functional music out of my life.

What does everybody think of this ? Is there a Functional music ? What is your attitude toward it ? Arguments and contrarguments are welcome.

D Mullholand
Thanks as always for posting something actually thought provoking, not to demean the rest of the UM-ers, but it doesn't usually happen.

I think music is an extension of mans inablity to cope and/or communicate certain things in a productive way, i.e.-words, spoken or written. To me, music is pure emotion, that isn't to say that at some point you do not start thinking about what you play/write, but when I sit down to play it is for me, I seriously do not know how anyone can do it otherwise, it baffles me, and functional music tickles the wrong part of my brain. Of course there are bands that I like that are pop, as I have mentioned before all around UM, my favorite album of all time is Mercury Falling by Sting, while it isn't pop, it is still by a well known artist who has done some rather crappy, functional music. But if you listen to this album, you realizae that this guy has all the tools, great songs with great arrangements and amazing lyrics, especially on Mercury Falling, it is pretty much a Jazz album. What gets me is that in this part of his career he does the most amazing music and then he gets commercial again, writing standard pop songs with logical endings.

You know, maybe I shouldn't have posted a reply. First and foremost, I am a musician, we tend to see things a little differently, no? And I am also hugely opinionated and when I get on a rant, it can go anywhere. But as a musician, I can not see myself listening to functional pop, my brain needs information, not stale rehashed synth tunes that are written for corporate reasons.
Yeah its a shame that no one else will even reply to this post- there are only so many, "Who is your favorite band" posts that one can stand.

I am glad you did post- I also cannot stand the stale simplistic pop tunes- nor incessant dance music. I agree with you- non functional music should convey emotion- yet it must convery this emotion through the music itself- not the lyrical message- nor through use of standard song arrangements, nor through the need of the emotions of a huge social club( like those rap and hip hop songs that sends everyone grinding in a club, but doing nothing in their car)

I suppose his underlying thesis in my opinion, is, all music is functional if it cannot be listened to( and by listen, I mean devote ones full attention to the piece, to be able to explore, understand, be moved by the piece) Lets think about metal - can I give my full attention, to explore and be moved by say the increasingly simplistic songwriting of Soilwork? What does the music offer, other than formulaic metal? Now on the other hand, if I put in Anathema, I am moved by the music, its flowing arrangments, the emotion that oozes from the music. I become enrapruted with the music- it becomes the only thing in the world for me.

Yet I think the most interesting part of his post, is when he describes those snobs who go to classical musical concerts- and hear great non functional music- but cannot listen to it- cannot be a part of it. Also the part when he talks about the many teenagers that turn to metal to rebel, and because of its aggression( the main reason I started listening to metal) and then are ashamed when they become adults.

D Mullholland was a songwriter and musician in a band.
It is really, REALLY discouraging to me that there are only three replies to this thread, by two poeple, I love metal, but I find the people listening to it as I get older get younger and younger, and the people that do listen to it still that are my age, well, they haven't grown up, and/or they just do not want to put their minds in motion and actually think about something that is actually important to metal as a genre, making these observations and discussing them is a great way to change your mind and move forward in your life, and actually unlocking your mind, but I find myself in the minority here at UM, yeah, I enjoy myself and post nonsense in the Nevermore forum to have fun, but whenever I see a post on how Nu-metal is metals undoing, or shopping at Hot Topic is for pussies and poseurs, I try to keep my temper, and sometimes I try to talk some sense, but it really isn't worth it, nobody gives a shit about respect anyways, so what is the fucking point, blind decisions, mob morality, and pell mell, disjointed arguments are the soup du jour here at UM, actually there are quite a few members who don't go around acting like they have never talked to anyone cordially before. But discouraged I remain.

Anyways-I found D Mullholland's remark about some classical music listeners funny, I have never seen it, but I know some people who listen to metal do so for other reasons than listening to the music, I just picture those people listening to classical music(one of my favorite genres) and laugh, because I think no matter what genre they listen to, it will always be the same.
I agree with you Aj Death- its hard to have a real conversation on this board. One finds a few musically intelligent people on the Opeth board- but the arrogance and snobbery on that board is sickening. Aj Death I think you summed up all the problems I have with the people on this board and with metal fans in general. Yet, there are quite a number of very intelligent and knowledgable metal fans that do post on this board- its just that many of these intelligent posters- resort to adolescent put downs, and just downright rude behavior.

I am no expert on Music composition or theory- I have taken one college class( which like every other college class I have taken, I have forgotten almost all of what was covered) I played drums( and am trying to get a band together- but everyone wants to play a certain style, and good luck tryingt to find a metal vocalist) So, I suppose I posted this old thread to stir up conversation with those that are better acquainted with Music composition- or conversation with any person on this subject.

I have also noticed that the older the metal fan- the more immature and closed to new ideas they seem. Most older metal fans I know- completely shun all underground or european metal- and will tell you that Metallica, Megadeth, or Motley Crue-Kiss( name the glam metal band) is or was the absolute best metal band ever( there is no argument with these people- Metallica is the best period). Even worse, is the fact that these older fans will only listen to the stuff on the radio- they dont have time- nor the taste, to search for better music.

Oh well what can one expect from people- one loves people- but is always let down by them- such is life.
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speed said:
I agree with you Aj Death- its hard to have a real conversation on this board. One finds a few musically intelligent people on the Opeth board- but the arrogance and snobbery on that board is sickening. Aj Death I think you summed up all the problems I have with the people on this board and with metal fans in general. Yet, there are quite a number of very intelligent and knowledgable metal fans that do post on this board- its just that many of these intelligent posters- resort to adolescent put downs, and just downright rude behavior.

I am no expert on Music composition or theory- I have taken one college class( which like every other college class I have taken, I have forgotten almost all of what was covered) I played drums( and am trying to get a band together- but everyone wants to play a certain style, and good luck tryingt to find a metal vocalist) So, I suppose I posted this old thread to stir up conversation with those that are better acquainted with Music composition- or conversation with any person on this subject.

I have also noticed that the older the metal fan- the more immature and closed to new ideas they seem. Most older metal fans I know- completely shun all underground or european metal- and will tell you that Metallica, Megadeth, or Motley Crue-Kiss( name the glam metal band) is or was the absolute best metal band ever( there is no argument with these people- Metallica is the best period). Even worse, is the fact that these older fans will only listen to the stuff on the radio- they dont have time- nor the taste, to search for better music.

Oh well what can one expect from people- one loves people- but is always let down by them- such is life.

This is going to sound hippy-ish, but I find that love and respect towards eachother as humans is just being worked out of society, no one cares, complacence is the new human model, as long as you save face and retain the status quo, everything is just fine, which is pure bullshit and is the epitome of human ignorance. And it is by no means contained within the metal scene or "culture.

As I watch t.v. and such shit I always have a notepad around so I can write down what I feel at the moment, usually it is disgust and sorrow. and just for shits sake here are some of the things that watching the world has made me feel.

-I am so sick of us-disgusted with what we have become-the human mind-stagnant.

-When human life is worth less than our money and death becomes an acceptable by-product of freedom. the whole of human society is failing.

-Maybe ignorance is a gift, maybe if you are blissfully unaware of just really how dire things are today, only when you unwittingly ignore all the wrong, all of the squalor, the conciept, the greed, the lust, the gluttony, the hate, the total and unrestrained abuse of power by those who have it in their grasp, only by ignoring all of this, ignoring it because you do not knowany better. Mayby then can you achieve happiness. But at what price? Who can say when all is said and done what will happen to humanity? Who is there amomg us who can foretell the future? The future is ours to decide upon, but will we forfiet our say in things for a little scrap of ignorant happiness? WHile we ignore every bit of wrong, while we ignore that the stranglehold we once thought we had upon society is slipping rapidly away. Tell me, what is the price of ignorance? I know one thing for sure. The benefit of self imposed ignorance is far outweighed by the darkness brought on by it.

Just some of my feelings/condemnations of society. I just can't help thinking to myself--really, did we truly evolve?
Yes, life is absurd. I want to stop thinking of all the ways the world is fucked up- but everyday it gets harder. Yet, I suppose this is just the condition of life- there is no justice, no god, no ubermensch, no great secular state. So i am trying to accept the chaos of the world- and just live for the present as I usually have.

Still, there are so many things in life that I enjoy that make life worth treasuring. Maybe we need to make up a list of things we enjoy. What can top a great meal, the touch of a woman, a great idea, the rush of excitement one gets when doing something they really enjoy.
Example- went gambling with three friends today- lost 70 bucks in three hours- but shit the thrill of losing those 70 bucks over three hours at th blackjack table was worth the loss of the money. It was also worth the other problems one finds in a casino- the hillbillies, the old people, the desperation, the greedy casino, the smoke, the constant clang of slots, the garish lights always flashing, the fact they charge 4 dollars for a beer, etc. This is just an analogy- despite the many horrible problems- something filled me with pleasure and made the present seem exciting- even if I was engaged in an activity based solely on greed.
Sorry- for the third post- but I forgot something - I think Ajdeath that you are living to much for the future- dont- its too hard to sacrifice oneself to uncertainty.
Nothing beats the connection you have when you write a great riff, and your writing partner actually gets it, the drummer in my band is extremely technical and likes to vary his beats, to the point where he doesn't use the same beat twice, so this isn't happening much anymore, but that just wrote a great song feeling is great. Also the feeling I get when finishing a book, be it a college text, or unreal fantasy, it always makes living that much easier. There really isn't to much anymore, I try to keep negativity out of my life, unfortunately no one else does and I always get dragged back into it. Oh, listening to a great record for the first time, not one that grows on you, one that is instantly your favorite, I love that.
Yeah I was rambling there- sorry about that.

Have you traveled alot Aj Death? I think you'd like the way of life in Europe- even South AMerica to our own American money obsessed lives.
No, I have been to Arkansas, and it sucked. I really do want to move out of the U.S. All that I accomplish here is getting pissed off, but being under the yoke of our gov't, I can never save up that much money, even though I have a decent paying job. I refuse to be in debt, no CC or anything like that for me, which is very hard since you need credit to live nowadays. Sometimes I get the urge to pack a bag and just walk, I don't know where, but it has to be anywhere other than this country.
My opinion will probably be thrown out because of my sheer unintelligence :p. But either way. Music for me, makes me think. And I like think when listening to music. It doesn't have to be all deep and meaningful. Not just the lyrics(even if that's what most people tend to pickup at first). I also like all kinds of music, from some electronica to some dance(yes I said dance music, please don't hurt me), Rap(yes I said Rap..), Jazz, Blues, Prog, Classic Rock, Metal etc. As Mulholland explained earlier, I only listen to dance music when the occasion calls. But Functional music can be viewed as almost every form of music. Because sooner or later, we will probably out grow it. But I know of a few adults who listen to metal and have been listening to metal for a long time, they don't just listen to old school stuff like Metallica, Slayer etc. They listen to the newer bands like Kataklysm, Morbid Angel, Arch Enemy, Inflames, Opeth etc. I'm not too sure why though... Perhaps someone experienced can answer my question.

Either way, I don't really want to group music into functional etc. I'll go with my heart and ears, if it sounds good to me. It won't stop me from listening to it, even if it won't have any impact on me when I grow older.
A very interesting topic for discussion... What can I say? :).

First of all, music will always be functional, in a way. It will find you friends, it will become a topic for discussion, it will carve out a little cluster in your life and become a part of you, your personality, your tastes, your hobbies, your interests, etc... There's a function in everything, and there'll always be a function in music.

Therefore, music can be (and IS very much often) used as a tool.. It's interesting that unlike other kinds of art (painting, drama, cinematography), it can actually carry a very hefty baggage with it - like a way of life, a sub-culture, a group in which you, the listener, can be a part of and interact with others like you... Sometimes the actual music takes a backseat to this "baggage" - like it does with those definitive subcultures we've got around; rap/gangsta rap, mainstream pop, metal, dance, classical/elite... It's a desire to reestablish yourself in the society - find your group, your place - and if nothing else do the trick for you, music will definitely help - and with its functional, rather than emotional side.

As far as making you "think..." It's weird, but music rarely makes me think about anything - be it abstract or specific.. That's why I actually value it so much - it puts me into this tranquile and/or erratic state where thinking is not required, is not needed, and is not welcome - for there's too much of it as it is.. Thinking during music? Unless it grips me emotionally, there's nothing that would make me really THINK. Rather, there'd be some random associations - if anything... Like a tranquillizer for the soul, even if this "tranquillizer" is in the form aggression or pugnacity..
@-ChaoticManifesto- Actually I do listen to some rap, on very rare occasions I will throw on some PE or Beastie Boys, but rap is the music I listened to when I was ten and didn't realy know any better, I am not saying rap is bad, just that I grew out of rap. Rap also led me down some very destructive roads as a kid, metal probably would have to, but ut was rap at the time. I didn't start listening to metal until I was seventeen, by then I was already an accomplished Bluegrass musician and well known around my community for my picking abilities, then I heard another type of music that seemed to call a challenge to me, metal. At first it was Pantera, and then I immediately got into Death. It has been a blast ever since. Too me, metal is the only form of music that not only holds my attention, but continually challenges me while still being great to listen to, also the music is aggressive, something that I connect to. I don't think I will grow out of it, I am 21 and I have a grasp on who and what I am.

@-Shell Shock- I never thought of music that way, but as you said, rudimentaly music is functional, it is a very large portion of my life, something I love, some people can't relate to my deep passion for music in general, it is hard to get them to relate, I usually have to ask them about something that they do that they have a deep passion for, painting, drawing, cooking etc. But most people I know, except the other guys in my band, don't have that in their lives, they have work and t.v., I find this sad a waste of ones potential in life, even if I do not "make it" I will always love music, all they have is their pending divorce. It is kind of sad about how little people actually live their lives, they do what society tells them, they get pushed through school and do not really learn anything, they go to college taking courses their guidance councilors chose for them and then they get a job that they hate, there are exceptions, but most of the people I know fell into this societal trap of conformity and unchange. Music broke me out of conventional thinking, so it served that function but at the same time it made me realize that the world is large and that my life in it is a small part, meanwhile I have people living in small town Maine who think they live in a metropolis and people from the country say they can't stand the "city" because there arer too many people, I usually tell these people to shut up and live, and they usually walk away with blank faces.
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I very much like your post Chaotic Manifesto- I agree that I like music that makes me think. Lets not go too far with the definition of functional music- I hate rules, ideals etc- they are so restrictive.

Shell shock you make many good points- yet, has there ever been a piece of music that moved you- that you understood- but your friends would never understand? And, you make a good point that music sometimes doesnt force one to think at all- but to be part of the music.

AjDeath- you have got to get out of this country for a while. If the heat dies down- go to europe. They have far fewer social restrictions, and the French, Italians, Dutch etc. they know how to live life, they live for the moment- and dont worry as much about money or the future.

Another question, what about the mathematical nature of music. This is especially true of metal.
There's no point in listening to music if you're restricted by rules and idealogies. Music is something that is expressed freely most of the time. I say listen to what your heart or ears like. That's the true beauty of music :)
Agreed Chaotic.

A quote:

If any art is devoid of lessons, it is certaintly music. It is too closely related to mathematics not to have borrowed their gratuitousness. That game the mind plays with itself according to set and measured laws takes place in the sonorous compass that belongs to us and beyond which the vibrations nevertheless meet an inhuman universe. There is no purer sensation.

I think this quote perfectly sums up my view of music.
"I would like to thank you for this bit of reality, being a true metal head isn't what your life should be all about, how you live your life is what your life should be all about, not trying to stay underground or tr00, me, I live my life the way I see fit, I listen to metal almost exclusively(also-Jazz, classical) but metal is only one small side to my life, do I love metal, YES, but I also love to write, read, play basketball, football, play guitar, draw, paint and philosophy. When you give in to peer pressure to save face or fit in, you are just letting some of your individualism go, and becoming one of the thoughtless masses, making decisions based on what you think is cool and is to you, popular. This is not the way to go, THINK DAMNIT- so what if some people shop at Hot Topic, you do not have to, and pissing on their merchadise is probably illegal, but more importantly very childish and idiotic, there are better ways to express yourself other than deviance. So be you, because it is the only fucking you, you have, and life is too short for this rampant stupidity anyways, I know this sounds comically inane, but JUST LIVE!"

This was posted by me in the TestAmenT forum about a week ago, this sums up my life, I do live for now, but I do think about the future because to me my future can only get brighter than it is now, I don't hate my life, I hate the so called "life" I see around me, I am not depressed, I just feel that humanity isn't even close to fulfilling its potential, and it frightens me that so many people do not see it this way.

A change of scenery-country would be very welcome though, I don't hate the people around me, just the monotony of life they have assumed.

Oh, and to me, music is very functional, it keeps me sane.
"Oh, and to me, music is very functional, it keeps me sane." A very telling quote, I am a bit jealous, as music is much more important to you than it is to me.

As for your comment on the testament board, I very much understand you. I think we are coming from the same thought; that life is wonderful, but horribly absurd and fucked up. That there is no god, nor a ubermensch, nor a perfect government; just people, fucking up, and being happy at the same time.

Up in Maine, you must be pretty isolated, what do you guys do for entertainment? Do you have a decent public library- or any decent stores without having to drive for an hour? I suppose the seafood is quite good though, fresh fish and lobster. Where do you meet women in Maine- besides your place of work and school- do most of them leave? Sorry for the questions- but I find Maine to be interesting.

I'd like to see more posts on different non metal subjects, but so few people care on a metal board.