An Introduction worth your time


Jun 20, 2007

I thought it was time that i made a little introduction of myself on this forum.
My name is Christian and i've been hanging around this forum for quite some time now. I found it to be very useful actually to say the least.

I work a part time job as a security guard just to get some money and on my spare time i work as an apprentice in studio fredman. I've been there for the last year or so from time to time, but i've cut down in time on my regular job to get more time to spend in the studio.Im glad that Fredrik and Henke have given me this opportunity to learn from the best.
Last week we mixed the new album from Susperia, and this week we have recorded some drums and guitars for Frediks own band Dream evil.

I thought i'd share some pictures of how the cabs where miced up cause i think some of you people would find i intresting.
The amp they use on the dream evil album is an Engl Savage special edition that slaves an EVH mkI

The microphens used is the classic 57 and a pelusio (expensive one)

Engl Cab


And PM me if you want me to mix your EP or CD.
Welll i think that's all folks.

Cheers / Christian SWE

ps. Studio Fredman has moved to a new studio located in gothenborg, check out
the myspace site for some new pictures ds.
Your a very lucky man to be able to work with fredman. And thanks for the micing pictures. No surprise that one of the pictures is the classic double 57 arrow technique hes famous for on these boards.
Thnks :) . I will for sure post some pictures and stuff for you all to enjoy later on. Not to many secrets to reveal im affraid.
Just really good ears and alot of training me thinks. It's just amazing how Fredrik can dial in a fantastic guitar sound in matter of
seconds lol.

Rock On :headbang:
Hey man, welcome.

If you get a chance could you ask Fredrik what amps were used on Nightrage's 'Sweet Vengeance'? That's one of my fave guitar tones of all time, and I have a sneaking suspicion it's 5150 slaved through Engl Savage, but I may very well be wrong.