An ode to working on New Year's Eve

mine has fend en but auo iiii iiiiiiiiii wpler up an readlibsen im stil alive and left my snuuuuuuuus at booobobes but i passssed out at 10 anbd nbow its 3
I like my photography like my music and other art, all sorts of variety.

I'm partying by eating dinner with my parents and then later going to sit in some dude's garage and have 1 maybe 2 beers while everyone else gets drunk. Hooray for cutting down on booze.

New Year's is stupid, this is the only "holiday" I don't count. Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, even 4th of July, those all kick serious ass. New Year's is pretty drab. Hopefully will get up early enough tomorrow to take a drive to the snow while all the idiots are still sleeping off their hangovers.
lolz i nelsft my bgglasses at bobbs and im outta snus NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO da restart i left my snus attttttttttt bobasa nd unm stepped at my glasses BRKNW#KRRK!! nbow its a big crack lolz GOG GET MY SNUS
Had 3 beers tonight and a quick sip of scotch from ze bottle, watched everyone else get hosed including this chick I knew from high school that I haven't seen for about 10 years. Whee.

the üntermensch I went with started the evening by hitting on 12 year old girls on the bus and yelling about their (supposedly) 12" cocks. [this is an aftereffect of predrinking and doing drugs]. once we got to our pub we were treated to a traditional irish style pub that was blasting rap and hiphop (and some classic pop music) over the PA. At midnight they played two folk songs on the PA before returning to the my pals music. At this moment I was sparked with inspiration and I wrote a mini thesis and supporting evidence on my party hat to remember what I was thinking, and then that was halted when two members of our party left our home "pub" to try and find another pub down the street which apparently served "the best shots in town". dirty üntermensch. anyway they were stark raving drunk wandering down the street in -40 C to try and find this other pub (which they never did) and I, the only sober one of the bunch along with 3 others ranging from full blown drunks to semi-incoherent to try and find where they reportedly went (and we never found them).

So we decide to take the bus back and hope that they call us later from the drunk tank and we (miraculously) find them on one of our buses back by freak coincidence.

I might have pictures later.
Lovely. 12 year olds eew.

I wasn't drunk on new year but heavily on medication. Hmm... I think I missed a few. Oops.