An old but GOLD video.


Get your ass to mars!
Sep 13, 2008

Talk show host laughs at someone with a medical disorder that makes his voice sound funny. Which costs him his career.

It's hilarious. Watch all of it for the second guy.
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Its not fake, I saw this video with a little segment in front of it where the guy spoke of this incident like 10 years after. And they actually fired him and he didnt manage to get another job in television ever again. Where did you here it was a sketch?fake?

Its brilliant by the way! :D
Its not fake, I saw this video with a little segment in front of it where the guy spoke of this incident like 10 years after. And they actually fired him and he didnt manage to get another job in television ever again. Where did you here it was a sketch?fake?

Its brilliant by the way! :D
because it IS fake :p
I can understand the language by the way. (Dutch)