An open letter to Bodom


May 29, 2008
Alright, so I realize that no one in the band comes here and reads all this stuff (which is mostly nonsense anyway) that we post. But nevertheless, there are a few things that I really wanted to say to the guys in the band. I understand there's a good chance that they'll never see it, but I'm hoping they will.


I remember when I first heard of this crazy new band out of small country my family still calls home. Their new album was named 'Something Wild' and they were the Children of Bodom. Little did I know that this band would end up being one of the defining groups of my life. From the first listen, there was something immediately original about your music. I connected to it, and I knew I couldn't be alone. And I was right. With each following album, it just continued to get better and better.

Too many bands now are far too caught up in being heavier, faster, or more brutal than the next. But what has always separated Bodom, for me, from everyone else is that you are absolutely uncompromising in what you do. It isn't about proving anything to anyone, or playing by anyone else's rules. The music of Bodom is done its own way, and anyone who has a problem with that can kindly fuck off. If they don't like it, they can listen to something else. There are plenty of us who do. And not only that, but each an every member of the band is genuinely amazing in their own right. Whenever I see you guys on stage, it's more than a bunch of musicians blasting out kickass music. It's a bunch of brothers having a blast, and doing what they love. Which is a world of difference, to me.

Each and every one of you has my utmost respect and admiration. Whether it's Jaska, who is the first drummer to ever make me go crazy on air drums, pedaling away at an imaginary bass drum and hammering wildly at invisible snares. Or Janne, who is the only keyboard player I have seen so effortless infuse jazz and classical influences, while still playing crazy heavy metal. Roope, truly the man, and legend. I remember when my cousin back in Finland would blast Stone records 24/7, and now hearing that unmistakable awesome style in Bodom. Henkka, bringing such rumbling power to the stage, and always such a real insight into the band off of it. And Alexi, who is more than just an amazing guitarist, vocalist, and songwriter. A musician who never fails to inspire, always evolving and improving. And you know what? That pink guitar is badass.

But what I love most about Bodom, is that it's more than the sum of its parts. More than a group of guys who get together and make (absolutely awesome) music. What each and every member of the band, and even the crew (especially you K-man!) does that no other band can match (to me) is make every fan feel like a real member of that family. I can't imagine how exhausting it could be to do what you all do. And yet, not only do you do that, but you never fail to make each and every one of us fans feel welcomed and significant. No matter how obnoxious the fan, or how tired you are, I have not once seen any one of you be anything but sincere, patient, and genuine. That's more than nearly anyone could claim.

So no matter what you guys do, always remember that there are fans out there who really do support all that you guys do. Despite the whole mess of idiocy and shit-talking that goes on online, I know I'm not alone in what I write here today. There is no doubt in my mind that Bodom is a band who I will be a lifelong fan of, with every record and every show being something to get excited over, look forward to, and savor when it comes. There is so much more I could say, but what it all comes down to is that Children of Bodom is... well, Bodom. And that is something that will never change.

Thanks for everything,

Max D.


P.S. I can't wait to see you guys in Seattle, you kept your promise!
I second everything you've said here, Delanoir, and even if the band never sees it, I think it was well worth saying. Bodom are a hugely
important part of my life, and always will be. Thanks for your open letter, and I hope maybe they will read it - perhaps K-man could help ... ? :)
inb4: gtfo emo fanboy :lol:

I think your letter is very nice, Delanoir. It's great to read the love for COB written by a fellow fan and I'm sure that they would surely appreciate your letter if they'd ever get to see it.
Thanks for sharing! :)

I hope that K-man can help, like sleeper suggested. Maybe you could send him a PM? :)
Sorry for my last post, I couldn't help myself:lol:

That was a really good letter, it made sense. Not just like "Oh bodom you are awesome, and i love you", you actually told why and more.

Children of Bodom is the very reason I continued my guitar playing when I had my "oh fuck this i'll play drums" period. If I tho had continued playing without hearing Bodom, I still would be stuck on the 3-powerchord punk rock songs.

I hope they see your letter:)
i hope Janne reads this and realizes that COB-On Topic is not as bad as before. hehe

Well you say that now, but as soon as he posts there will be 1000 people in this thread, half asking him questions he's been asked a million times and the other half insulting him. If he really wanted to participate here he'd just make an account with a different name.
^Kind of true.

Cool letter dude. I hope it has some effect, at least in taking back here Janne which would rock. If you don't get response through UM, maybe you could try writting to webcrew @ cobhc . com and see if they can do something to make it get to the band.

i hope Janne reads this and realizes that COB-On Topic is not as bad as before. hehe

That'd be amazing.
Delanoir, that really was a great letter. I really hope CoB-guys will read it. There is a lot of stuff I second. For me, Bodom is more than just a band and really The thing that changed my life and made me the person I am right now. That really was a letter full of stuff worth saying :)
That was a great letter. Even though if Blooddrunk is not my particular cup of tea i still consider myself as a genuine fan. Owning all CDs and some bandshirts.

I hope Janne sees it.
Im sure Janne has gotten many PMs from people telling him how much they love the band so doubt he's gonna reply but the letter is a nice idea,all heartfelt and stuff :) I totally agree with everything you've said. Bodom has changed my life massively,for me it isn't just the music, I dunno it's deeper,their personalities,everything and it's changed me as a person. I'll always feel grateful for that and I can honestly say I'll never stop supporting them. CoB Forever! <3<3