Anaal Nathrakh - Domine Non Es Dignus

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Anaal Nathrakh - Domine Non es Dignus
Season of Mist - SOM089 - 2004
By Paddy Walsh


What initially stuck me about Domine Non Es Dignus, Anaal Nathrakh's second full-length, is the more streamlined, focused and - dare I say it - listenable platter on offer. Vocalist Vitriol still spews forth all manner of shrieks and growls, sounding at times like he was recorded while being subjected to some kind of testicle related torture. One thing that does stand out with this album is the presence of some nicely placed clean vocals, the likes of which first made an appearance on last year's When Fire Rains Down... EP. The amazing thing is that, thanks to a coupling of some spurts of frankly epic riffwork with these (admittedly rare) bouts of vocal cleanliness, they end up sounding almost like Ihsahn circa IX Equilibrium. Yes, we even get those cool little falsetto bits at the end. Think of a more violent version of 'An Elegy of Icaros' on tracks such as 'Do Not Speak' and 'This Cannot Be The End' and you get the idea.

That's not to say that elsewhere it's not business as usual for Anaal Nathrakh, as once again this terrible duo seem intent on making your listening experience as unpleasant as possible. The riffs have more of a death metal feel in places, with part of 'This Cannot Be The End' even recalling the twisted headfuckery of Meshuggah. 'Too Err is Human, to Dream - Futile' features a brilliant midsection with some eerie mid-eastern style chanting as the backdrop to an awesome chugging riff. Irrumator has outdone himself with the programmed drums this time round, at times the myriad fills, blast beats and tempo changes will make you question whether this is actually being done by a human at all. Elsewhere we find less of the Mayhem worship of old; presumably to make way for the increased variety, although those Atilla murmurs still crop up every now and again such as on 'The Final Destruction of Dignity' and closer 'Rage, rage Against the Dying of the Light'.

So Anaal Nathrakh, whilst professing on the surface to be trying to make their music as 'inhuman as possible', have actually gone and recorded a piece of work both more accessible and varied than its predecessors. Sly bastards that they are. Strangely enough however, Irrumator and Vitriol have achieved this without sacrificing the vicious, bile-filled streak that exploded all over The Codex Necro like a paedophile let loose in Thailand. The difference is, those of you who had previously pulled off your headphones in disgust may just find yourself tapping your foot with a manic grin on your face.


Anaal Nathrakh's Official Website
Season of Mist's Official Website