Anal Pork (yum)


"I Am"
Apr 7, 2005
<insert obscure location>
With absolutely no relevancy to the topic name, this is the happiest friggen day of my life. I recived a Martin 000-16GT (YES!! Coincidentally the exact same acoustic guitar Opeth used for D1 and D2 and maybe Blackwater Park?)

The story behind it is incredible. Yesterday was my B-day and it was shit like usual, like my Uncle talking about buying a $700 Taylor for my other Uncle, and he's like "Nah, I got too many, quit it" and then I chime in and was denied hard core. I only have 3 extremely crappy guitars which I hate and my Uncle already has a Studio Gibson Les Paul, Fender strat, $1,100 Ernie Ball Guitar (quite impressive if you ask me), and like a few others, and at least 3 or 4 acoustics (all which my uncle spoiled him with). I don't usually mind, but he's talking about getting what is a dream guitar for me, on my B-day for someone else. He kept asking me if I wanted Golf Clubs or a Fishing rod, and it pissed me off, because I don't want those things!

The only things I want that'd make me happy forever are:

Schecter C-1 classic
Digitech Guitar workstation
Martin or Taylor acoustic.

Anyways... after what was a shitty day, I go over to stay the night at my drummer's house looking to get a little drunk and preform my smoking vice freely, when all of a sudden my drummer came up and said his dad wanted to kick my ass. Knowing he was kidding, I went into his parent's room and there lying on the bed was his Martin in its case, which he had recieved from impounding a car, and he told me to open it up. At this point, I was nervous, thinking I might have somehow fucked it up when I was playing but instead...

He proclaimed the ethereal words "It's yours." Holy shit a $1,400 guitar is MINE. This is amazing since I can't afford expensive guitars like this or just have "$1,000" to dish out for "my needs", so you can imagine the ectasy and jubilance I had built up inside of me. And afterwards to find out it's the identicle model Opeth uses gave me a nice, stern woody.

Anyways, proceeding to discussion, has anything like this happened to any of you guys?
Wow. You lucky lucky man. I'm going to have to get you drunk and steal your house key. ;)
I like Anal Cunt
BAD ASS...........really hapy for u my man....tahts awesome....Keep rockin and take good care of her.........PEAC EOUT
awesome story Botfly, GL with it.

Looking for a Job said:
my uncle gave me his acoustic when he died. best thing that ever happened to him. good riddance

oh man, at first i thought you said best thing that ever happened to you (recieving the guitar. then i re-read it and actually saw 'him' :lol: i shoulda known better!)

hahaha btw oinkz new sig is a fucking laughfest
bangadrian said:
an old-ass simpsons episode.... remember the one with the gay guy john? oh man, those were the days

yes! one of my fav episodes hahaha, i love when homer takes bart to look at that billboard of the lady smoking, i forget the dialogue :erk: but i know it was funny