Anathema fans v Antimatter fans

DragonLady1 said:
ehm, oke, I will fight against myself now as I like both bands... schizophrenic personality I am :ill:

who are you trying to fool? :(

Susie said:
Well i have seen anathema live and never seen antimatter live,mmmmm so i dunno and you's dont powt enough :D

thats very nice and colourful sig uv got there susie

about this fight, when does it start?, shall i kick off with the proceedings then? hehe
One day after closing I was lying on me nest,
When Stez shouts "get yer bags on, come on outside."
So I grabbed me stripy tank-top, I 'ad beer stains on me vest,
An' I said "best get some cans in, it's a long ride."
Well, we drove along the M6, chuckin' cans at other folk,
An' stopped at all the services that took us.
Picked up some fit hitch-hikers,
An' we told 'em filthy jokes,
An' piled them in the back seet fer to fuck us.
We're going down Blackpool, alright,
We're going down Blackpool, fer a pint,
We're going down Blackpool, alight,
To see the lights...
Mutley's in the drivin' seat,
Stez Styx is in the front,
An' we're going down to Blackpool,
To up some fuckin' cunt.
An' Peter's in the back seat,
An' his crack is goin' "gerrit"
He's got his finger up her like a ferret.
Now ten miles outside Blackpool and we had some real bad luck,
Mutley shouts "O fuck, we've got a flat."
And now Peter chucked the jack at some cunt ten mile down the road,
So we made him go an' get the fucker back.
The twat.
We're going down Blackpool, alright,
We're going down Blackpool for a fight,
We're going down Blackpool, alright
Now comeon people, who lookers harder these two meat heads who would, rip your head off and put it on a stick for the sake of a chicken leg...
Su Jacko said:

or danny who, in every photo i have ever seen- including mine, looks like he got dragged in from outside and doesnt quite know where he is....bless