Anathema: I'm thrilled beyond words...

Glenn, because you are you I bought the 2 most recent Anathema cd's even though I haven't gotten into them in the past. I am going to let them play fully through at least a couple of times and see if it invades my soul in any way shape or form. I still regret not going to the fest the 2 years that Therion headlined. The lineups were great besides Therion, for me at least, and those are regrets I can't forget. It won't happen again, that's for sure.
Glenn, because you are you I bought the 2 most recent Anathema cd's even though I haven't gotten into them in the past. I am going to let them play fully through at least a couple of times and see if it invades my soul in any way shape or form. I still regret not going to the fest the 2 years that Therion headlined. The lineups were great besides Therion, for me at least, and those are regrets I can't forget. It won't happen again, that's for sure.

Weather Systems is a masterpiece and a desert island disc for me. It's all about the love for my wife with that one along with "We're Here Because We're Here."


Honestly, the Universal Blu-Ray has converted more people than the records. It is one of the best of all time.
Yep, this thread is forcing me to open a bottle of our best red and watch Universal tonight.

I don't have the Universal BD yet... I'm waiting on Amazon to bring it here. But you've inspired me... I think I'll have to enjoy a spot of sherry while taking in a sunset viewing of Wrecking Everything - An Evening in Asbury Park

- Chris
i hear what you're saying Glenn.

Many years ago René booked them as headliner on the final day of PP, not knowing them...really tired after a few days on my feet and a few beers :lol: i almost fell asleep during their was until 2012 when Weather Systems was released, they hooked me. Distant Satellites is the most played album by far this year for me :rock:

At the risk of embarrassing myself, I have to admit that this was the first time I had never heard of an announced headliner.

I dig the Untouchable video and this actually seems like something my non-metal wife would enjoy, so Weather Systems has been ordered. Here's hoping that I like them as much as everyone else in this thread does!
I almost made a awesome dirty joke, but I decided to not defame this thread.

I will say that I'm contemplating getting this DVD this year though.
Their music is indeed very evocative and I have a lot of respect for what they do. Unfortunately for me, it's similar to Wolverine; it just depresses the hell out of me.

Those types of bands like Anathema, Wolverine, Katatonia, the Gathering etc, I don't find that music to be depressive. In their melancholy there is a hell of a lot of beauty and hope to be found, which is why fans find it so emotionally powerful.
Those types of bands like Anathema, Wolverine, Katatonia, the Gathering etc, I don't find that music to be depressive. In their melancholy there is a hell of a lot of beauty and hope to be found, which is why fans find it so emotionally powerful.
It's like anything else in life; it's all about perspective. And it's that perspective which shapes the way you're impacted by music. As I said, I can appreciate the talents of a band like Wolverine and Anathema. It just creates an atmosphere that I don't respond well to. That said, I'm going to give them a few more opportunities between now and next year's festival to win me over.
If I were capable of emotions like that (after what I have been through) Weather Systems and Distant Sattelites would have me in the fetal position..
The title track for Distant Sattelites gets me damn close though(and the last song)
I'm with Seastorm...
I had heard of Anathema, but never gave them a try before.
After building the playlist and playing through it, they are definitely the first band I've been drawn to. Weather systems is so far my favorite.

I love how a lot of their songs just build and build and then at the rear 2/3 of each song you are just so ready for the raw musical emotion that is delivered. It's addicting.

I will say that if you don't like it at first, put it right up against some falconer or helker or something else from this year that is powery. It will show you a lot more depth to the sound.

Also, don't go back too far in the discography...there be dragons. As others have said, stick with CDs after Alternative 4.
I'm with Seastorm...
I had heard of Anathema, but never gave them a try before.
After building the playlist and playing through it, they are definitely the first band I've been drawn to. Weather systems is so far my favorite.

I love how a lot of their songs just build and build and then at the rear 2/3 of each song you are just so ready for the raw musical emotion that is delivered. It's addicting.

I will say that if you don't like it at first, put it right up against some falconer or helker or something else from this year that is powery. It will show you a lot more depth to the sound.

Also, don't go back too far in the discography...there be dragons. As others have said, stick with CDs after Alternative 4.

Fantastic advice.