
Mar 12, 2003
We waited a year for this....

Possibly one of the top music experiences I have ever been a part of..
That is all I can muster up words wise to describe their set
We waited a year for this....
That is all I can muster up words wise to describe their set

I never left my seat!
I even woke up once or twice while they were playing ;)
I'm kidding!
This is what ProgPower is all mans pain is another man's pleasure. I stayed for the entire set, in support of our fest and what it stands for. I may not be a fan of Anathema, but I appreciate it for what it is/was.
Glenn does a great job of giving something for everybody...thanks Glenn...sorry you had to go through so much shit this year
I'm curious to hear if they lived up to Glenn's expectations, since I know he was as excited as anyone to see them.

This was my second time seeing Anathema and again, I was blown away. I know they split the audience, but it sure did mean a lot to those of us with high hopes.
They were great. Temporary Peace at the acoustic show was the absolute highlight for me. My only disappointment is that we didn't get One Last Goodbye, or any other pre-AND song besides Fragile Dreams.
Did anyone get video of "Distant Satellites?" I've been keeping an eye on Youtube for a few days and nothing's cropped up. I haven't seen any other live versions of that song with the third drum at the end and I was hoping someone got the whole thing.
Their performance was very powerful. Having enjoyed Universal, what surprised me was just how animated Vincent was. During the climatic parts of their songs, he charged around stage like a wild bull. The others in the band gave him plenty of space, probably fearing for their lives. When he played the drum at the front of the stage, I seriously thought that he would break the head. I loved every second of it!
Did anyone get video of "Distant Satellites?" I've been keeping an eye on Youtube for a few days and nothing's cropped up. I haven't seen any other live versions of that song with the third drum at the end and I was hoping someone got the whole thing.

That [end with the three percussionists] might have been the most powerful 3 minutes I've ever experienced live.
Look at this. EVERYONE is singing.


I've been rummaging around on youtube every few days, still hoping for someone to post "Distant Satellites," and I came across this acoustic set, which I think is the best live recording I've seen from them that's not Universal. They don't play Kingdom very often!
