Anathema's artwork...


Oct 7, 2002
Ghent, Belgium
What do you think about Anathema's artwork? (Do you think it's uberhaupt important?) Do you like the different albumcovers, the layout of the official site, etc... did maybe some of you once made/painted/drawed/layouted something inspired by Anathema... can you show it here? Who's going to do the artwork for the upcoming album?
i think the layout for the site is ok, the font is crap it makes anathema look like a high school band. i think it's one of the poorest band sites I have seen. the artwork is pretty good though. Im not much of a critic so I cant really tell, if sorrow and grief are involved then its good enough for me!
sol83 said:
it's ok. but who cares about sleeves if the music's great, right?

not really treu, if you have vissiualisations whit the music you hear it on 'another' way or you see the painting, foto,... different.

)my faverite painter : caspar david friedrich) when i see it when i'm listening to anathema or opeth i see it on another 'level', ( you should try it).
so it's not just about the music. music is a totalexperience, you can 'listen' to it an very different ways.
it like seeing a band playing a gig whit or whitout a big show
i really like an album with good sleeve art, ok yeah it doesnt affect how good the band are but its nice to look at and it can often be symbolic and meaningful, depends on how you appreciate art i guess. I really like the Anathema art work and one of my favourite covers is the Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude cover and My Dying Bride - The Light At The End Of The World/The Dreadful Hours, also the Opeth artwork is really good and various other bands such as Katatonia. I'll stop rambling now
xoxo, well done for your avatar quentin. i'm trying to put al bundy as my avatar but don't know how to make the pic smaller. :(