Anathema's music in new feature film


Apr 6, 2003
Not sure if this has been posted here before, but even if it has I figure it bears repeating. Just don't shoot the newbie!

Anathema has two songs featured in the soon-to-be-released independent film "Oblivion". The movie's website is , and the listed songs are "Dreaming: The Romance" and "Violence".
Hope this will be good! :hotjump: I'm going to the cinema for this one just to see if the music will fit the movie :)
Seems like the makers have a good musical taste though, the trailer features some excellent Sigur Ros music :eek:
Nina said:
Ha, cool I didn't know this... when will it be released?

Morpheus, is that signature yours? If not, who has written it?
well, it's been screened in two places as is written on the website, but the site doesn't say if it will be screened around the world at all. Or if it will just been released as a dvd/VHS. So maybe Danny or someone can help out on this?!

About my sig, as Cerulean said it's the beginning monologue of Trainspotting (the film).
I wanted to write a mail to some cinema clubs out there to tell me what is the Hungarian title, but I was somewhat lazy. still could not watch the trailer neither, as my pc f@*king hates quicktime :(
Loona said:
I wanted to write a mail to some cinema clubs out there to tell me what is the Hungarian title, but I was somewhat lazy. still could not watch the trailer neither, as my pc f@*king hates quicktime :(

search a program called media player classic and quicktime alternate, then you wont need to use quicktime anymore :D
this was an old dream of danny's... =) to write film music.

"This album takes a while to get into, it`s a bit like film music I guess. There is no instant hit and no obvious single on it. This album is darker than recent ones and reflects certain atmospheres quite well. It is a challenge to become a better songwriter and I still have a long way to we all do I guess. That`s my biggest challenge at the moment. That, and trying to live and be well."
i haven't found anything on the movie yet. just tells the credits. Me last email hasn't been replied by anyone, but i just sent another one. And Danny hasn't lost a word on it either. I still would like to see it somehow.
icefran said:
well I love Sigur Ròs and of course Violence (don't know the other song) : D

"Dreaming: the romance" is the last song on Serenades (although I think certain pressings of the cd don't contain the song). The song is very long (about 26 min. I think) and it's an instrumental. As the title states, it is like you're in a dream. One long droning keyboard note is held in the background and a melancholy string sound comes in at certain intervals. That's the whole song. Great song to clear your mind to in my opinion.