

Subterranean dharma-bum
Sep 11, 2001
Neverwhere. hehe.
yep. what now? what about the cats? the Dogs? and, especially the Chiickeeeeeeeeens?:loco:
It's nice to see this forum in here. damn. now they have everything: opeth, nevermore, dark tranquillity...
Anyway what do you think about their new album and especially the animal-part in the end? i loved it when i heard it and it's good to see that they can still have fun while making their music...
I hate to be the ass but I haven't got it yet, even though it is fully availeble to me. When I listened to it in the store felt really sad because they changed so much, and I really needed some good old on that day. Since then my finencial status has sunken to that of a bum without a home, and I am unable to make my damn pimp get me some deacent clients:p .
i loved it when i heard it and it's good to see that they can still have fun while making their music...

Yeah, the 'hidden' part is hilarious :loco:
What's this last acoustic thing supposed to be? A cover or something? Oh well, probably they were just drunk :D
Anyway what do you think about their new album and especially the animal-part in the end? i loved it when i heard it and it's good to see that they can still have fun while making their music...

I like the new album. I think it's equally good as Judgement, but I'm not to 100% sure since I've only got it for a few days now...time will tell.
About the animal part: just look at my signature :lol:
Chickeeeeeeeeeens!!!:lol: :loco:
That's great!
Just imagining the guys spending great time on the beach with guitars and booze and I am amazed how 'normal in everyday life' they still are/were & 'll always be.

cheerz Anathema
I believe the new album is going to be one of those hard to get to grips with albums which you eventually get to love. I immediately warmed to 'Leave no trace' with it's classic Anathema 'time is passing you by' pathos, and I love Vincents' frail voice on this. 'Temporary peace' is also a favourite. I would have loved a bit of the old 'Eternity' majesty thrown in, with more feedback and the occasional power chord, but I am not giving up on it because of this, it has a certain fragile beauty of it's own.