

The Silent One
Didnt see a thread for pets..thought id make one.

I love pets, especially dogs and cats. I have 2 cats, Sandy and Snowball are their names.

EDIT: Heres what my cats look like
Sandy(Lol he looks pissed in this photo)v

Snowball v

Anyone else have any pets or like pets?
I have a cat named Wicked. He's about 6 years old. He likes to sleep, stare at the ceiling fan and eat. I had always intended on getting another cat and naming him Lester, but one was enough for me. I love the little guy :)

At my house we have:
3 dogs - Chipper, Maggie, and Zeke
1 barn cat - Rainbow
1 fat-tailed gecko - Rocky
3 horses - Jigger, Jackson, and Lexie
2 Madagascan hissing cockroaches - Dewdrop and Clarence
2 orphaned calves - Jezabel and Lily
We used to have a bunny but it died so I think we'll get another one for Easter
I think we have like 4 fish

On of my life goals is to have a pet skunk. We've had raccoons in the past, they were great. And when I was kid we had pet crows, they were cool too. Had a turtle and a crawdad as well.

EDIT: Here is Jackson and myself

Have two dogs Ember and Brodie. Ember is mine the other is my gf's.
have hade many kinds of snakes, oppossum, fish, saltwater fish, tarantula's, scorpions and some other odds and ends here and there. used to work at a pet shop so i would end up with things
Pђoenix;7065190 said:

I swear there is a cat the exact same as yours which lives in my estate and follows me when I walk home from town.

Shes an odd-eyed cat. I think its kinda cool though. At first, it was sort of weird to see an animal with 2 different colored eyes, but im used to seeing it.

Haha. The thing that bothers me about her is that shes WHITE and it can be seen easily on things, especially since I wear all black hahah.
I have 2 cats and a turtle.
I used to have a possum but it died.
In the future I hope to get an Octopus or a Nautilus.
Here are some more pictures of my pets:


One of the bulls on the ranch

And this is Carlos the Mexican Dove we rescued, nursed back to health, then released into the sky!

...and paranoindmexican, those are some awsome-looking puppies!
So this forum doesn't seem to be very much into pets! Guess pets aren't all that \m/ or something?

On topic, my family went to the beach yesterday and we found a hermit crab so tack that one on!
They sure got big cockroaches in Madagascar:OMG:

I have a mangy old deaf cat,his name is Alfred but he can't hear when I call him anymore
Good news! I've always wanted to adopt a greyhound from the Houston greyhound racetrack, but apparently at my house (I'm away in college) somewhere on the back of our property a stay greyhound as showed up! My family says its starving, and has been hit by a car. They're trying to feed it enough to where it will trust them and they can take it to the vet to get fixed up. Hopefully next time I go home I'll have a new dog!