Okey, I'm going to come out and say it, I'm probably one of
the most selfish people in the world, and I LOVE it!!!!! >

Hehe.... It's true. I'm a lonely child. I have half-sisters, but I
have never lived with them, so I've always been alone. Pluss
I'm a sagitarius, which should ring some bells. Pluss, I'm ME!!!
HORROR!!! Hehehe....
Well, I know I do stuff for my own good, but I also do things
for others, not knowing where it will take me. But I believe in
What you Give, is what you Get 
) This I experience
everyday at work. If I smile at the customers they will not
complain cause they forget they actually hate me and the
entire IKEA storehouse. They have murder in their eyes until I
give them just a LITTLE smile!!! What I get back is 100%
better... My day goes smoothly, cause I manage to stay on
top with my mood. This is selfish, cause I get back happiness
too, but I also give away some happiness. Don't you think so?
What goes around, comes around...
BUT! I would never continue smiling to someone if all they
did was yell at me. I think I'd let them know what I thought
about their behaviour! >

Yes, we are selfish, and I admit it every day that I AM
SELFISH!!! I let myself enjoy what I like. I hate doing boring
things, but sometimes I have to do them. But I always try to
live for the good things. Ok, selfish is bad? I'm bad...
Actually, I'm pure evil, as stated before!
