People Are Animals Too....!?!??

It's hard losing a pet you love so much. I would know, because I grew up with a dog too. Lately, I haven't had a pet around. As far as for being better than a human, the only reason that is true, is because you know a pet will be there for you until the end. And will never be able to hurt you in anyway, they'll only give you unconditional love.
True. And in addittion, they are not entirely selfish within, like most of the human population on this planet.
I don't want to start a massive anti-human discussion here, now, but humans don't do anything without expecting rewards.
-Some would say that christian missionaries far away in some oddworld country, working for low pay, and just "spreading the word of God" are selfless in theier actions. But are they really? Don't you think they expect a better place in heaven because of their selfless actions on earth?
There are many more examples like that, but the point is still: Most people don't do ANYTHING for free. Anything at all. There is always something they expect in return, might even subconscious, but it's still there. Humanity destroys everything in its path, including itself. Animals are in balance with nature. Humans simply try to destroy it every way possible.
haha yeah,i agree DWD.He kind of made humans sound like totaly fucking asshole bastards who have no feelings at all and care about nothing.I do agree partially with what he say though.
Well... Actually everything that lives are entirely selfish... It doesn´t matter if it is a plant or dog or a human. Have you guys ever done something that is entirely unselfish? Have you helped somone or something without the knowledge that you get something out of it? Those ppl that do become saints, like Mother Teresia, but she did it to recive her payment from her God...

just my cents...:)

You can do smth good not expecting anything from any others, still you do it because it feels good to do smth nice to someone. Would that be selfish to? And anyway, is being selfish only smth negative? Not being selfish at all means not letting oneself exist. Would that be smth positive? Then there might as well be no humans here at all! One just have to take the bad with the good - if there hadn't been hate, there hadn't been love. If there hadn't been selfishness, there hadn't been sacrifice. With feelings comes the good, but also the bad. Without feelings we would all be robots without a soul or personality. I for one wouldn't trade all ppl's souls and personalities for peace in the world! I rather accept the bad, and try my best to make the best out of what is. :)

"Don't take his word for it. Take ours. Animals are better than humans" -Animal Planet
Hehe, just remembered that now. :)
Being selfish or not... that's a good question - personally, I find it more fulfilling to be there for others than for myself... if otehrs see it different, that's fine with me, too... but there can always be "too much" of something", selfishness, sacrifice, whatever... one has to find the limits, and learn to keep within his limits. That's what I think at least.
Okey, I'm going to come out and say it, I'm probably one of
the most selfish people in the world, and I LOVE it!!!!! >:o)))
Hehe.... It's true. I'm a lonely child. I have half-sisters, but I
have never lived with them, so I've always been alone. Pluss
I'm a sagitarius, which should ring some bells. Pluss, I'm ME!!!
HORROR!!! Hehehe....

Well, I know I do stuff for my own good, but I also do things
for others, not knowing where it will take me. But I believe in
What you Give, is what you Get :o) This I experience
everyday at work. If I smile at the customers they will not
complain cause they forget they actually hate me and the
entire IKEA storehouse. They have murder in their eyes until I
give them just a LITTLE smile!!! What I get back is 100%
better... My day goes smoothly, cause I manage to stay on
top with my mood. This is selfish, cause I get back happiness
too, but I also give away some happiness. Don't you think so?
What goes around, comes around...

BUT! I would never continue smiling to someone if all they
did was yell at me. I think I'd let them know what I thought
about their behaviour! >:oP

Yes, we are selfish, and I admit it every day that I AM
SELFISH!!! I let myself enjoy what I like. I hate doing boring
things, but sometimes I have to do them. But I always try to
live for the good things. Ok, selfish is bad? I'm bad...
Actually, I'm pure evil, as stated before! :o)
Well, what I do makes me happy, and I have my friends to help me become happier. I don't use them, because I help them too. But sometimes, a little help is all I need. I can be selfish, or whatever, but in the end, it doesn't seem like you did something wrong. And I hope I can just get through life the best I can, as well as all my friends (That includes all of you)!
If I do smth nice to someone it feels nice, and then you might say I do it to feel good myself, but still I do smth nice to someone else. That would be selfish, but I don't see it as bad, cause the results is the same anyway. Then it's not smth bad to be selfish. Or? Well, I cannot deny myself, cause then I wouldn't excist, and if I didn't excist, I couldn't do anyone else any good either. Someone else supposedly being me could, but it would not be me, right? And well, I want to be nice to others myself, instead of some other person who donesn't really excist doing it for me...

I just think that being selfish doesn't say anything of WHAT you do. You can be selfish and do bad stuff, or you can be selfish and do nice things!
Humans on a general basis isn't really capable of only doing good things. And absolutely not if they don't expect a direct reward some time.
But hey, I'm human, and I never said I was any better. I just... don't like humans. They're too bloody destructive. What did the forests do to us? The oceans? The animals? Sure, some animals DO kill people, but people kill 100 times as many of those animals in return.

People are overrated.
Humans are capable of doing things, but society and norms and such stuff is mostly preventing that. You know, the majority's opinion is the right one :rolleyes: :cry:

It would just seem, that man is an especially strong developed animal... however, development can be good or negative. Which way man goes, remains to be seen.

You know, evolution had some dead ends, too... and man seems to step out of the frame of an equilibrium in nature (man is in NO equilibirum with nature that is), but in cosmic perspective, it is well possible that man can be wiped out, too. So, who thinks that we can play tricks on the evolution or nature is wrong imo. Nature has always proven to be superior, and it has barriers we still cannot hope to overcome. So, we are all limited as well, and it seeems man is just an animal that thinks it's very smart, but acts like a fool, mostly.
Originally posted by Vanir
Humans on a general basis isn't really capable of only doing good things. And absolutely not if they don't expect a direct reward some time.
But hey, I'm human, and I never said I was any better. I just... don't like humans. They're too bloody destructive. What did the forests do to us? The oceans? The animals? Sure, some animals DO kill people, but people kill 100 times as many of those animals in return.

People are overrated.

You don't have to go too long back (in Earth's history) to see that all ppl's all across the world lived in harmony with nature. It was only when the patriacic system developed, farming strated, ppl began to live in families and to have personal belongings, that the real problems started. (Take killing f.eks.: most killing comes from problems involving one or more of these factors - as do war!)This is like 8000 years back, or so (or 8000 BC...? always mix up there). But still, with this, ppl lived quite close to nature up to close to our time, varying soem from place to place. Some places, ppl still do!

And humans are indeed capable of doing good deed, also without expecting anything (or much) from others in return! Saying that humans are bad (or good, for that matter) is just too simple. I think that about humans being either bad or good, at all, is based in the overrating of humans, compared to other animals.