People Are Animals Too....!?!??

Well, I have a dog wich is called Guus. I post a picture in the pic thread. We also got a horse which you can see on my avatar. And we have little Shetland pony. We had two cats but one died. 4 guina-pigs, 2 rabbits, 1 hamster and since yesterday I've got a black rat!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have also a aquarium with a lot of tropical fishes. Hehe, I hope I don't forgot some pets.

Last year we had the MKZ-cricis here and the fucking doctors had to kill our two goats and sheep. I have very bad memories left to this happening

I live not exactly on a farm but it was a farm. I live on the land and I like that very much.

Hey, Vintersorg, I was wondering if you have any pets too! Don't konow if the pics on the official site were made by your home but if that is so there had to be some pets there, So please reply this thread
Yum, sounds so nice YMIR! :o) I've been waiting
for you to put your replay in this thread cause I
really wanted to know about all the animals you
have.... And that black rat sounds SO cute! :o)
What's it's name?

I'm sorry to hear about your sheep and goats
though :o(((

I dont miss taking that thing for walks.... now its my sisters job

Hehe... Have to agree with you there
SentencedToBurn. I'm just too lazy.... And my
lifestyle wouldn't fit a dog :o/ Maybe one day I'll
have animals again, but I don't see it happening
in the near future....
Blackspirit@: the name of my rat is Pruimpit. It's a name out of a comic. I haven't pictures of him but when I have some I put them here or in the pic thread, okay?:) He is so cool!

@Topic title: Don't insult the animals. They are far better than people.

Hrm... anyways.
I've always had some kind of pet. All I can remember just now, 2 rats, 3 parrots, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 3 furry creatures I can't remember the name of in English... Divided over the past 18 years or so.
Right now I only got 1 dog, Aristoteles. Before him, I had this one dog that we got about the time I was born, and he died when he and I both were 14. I was really sad when he died, as I had grown up with him. His name was Tiro, btw.
And in any case, what I've learned through life and through the animals I've been around, is that animals are way better than most people on Earth.