Pet photo thread!

I worked by a animal dealer. I hate fucking dealers in animals but I had to for school. Any way I am fired now!!!! (hehe this is more for the nicest things that happened you lately thread) I am fired because I didn´t want to put the turtles with 25 in a box of 20 cm because that is unhuman. They had also too many tropical birds and some illegal bird of preys. They had a hippo too!!

But I tell ya this because I wan´t to say. Don´t you ever buy this kind of animals. I know nobody wants a hippo (now he lives forever in a little dark house without windows like the eagles) But I know that many people want to have turtles and tropical birds. They don´t know where they come from (most of the time from the wild) and they were transport in a unhuman way! It´s all about fucking money. Just take a dog or cat or rabbit...

Anyone have an oppinion too about this??
Originally posted by TrueBeliever
Ive had a few pets over time.

[big cut]

plus eels, and many assorted fish

let me guess... you play in Heroes Of Might & Magic and there's your army?:p
Originally posted by YMIR
I worked by a animal dealer. I hate fucking dealers in animals but I had to for school. Any way I am fired now!!!! (hehe this is more for the nicest things that happened you lately thread) I am fired because I didn´t want to put the turtles with 25 in a box of 20 cm because that is unhuman. They had also too many tropical birds and some illegal bird of preys. They had a hippo too!!

But I tell ya this because I wan´t to say. Don´t you ever buy this kind of animals. I know nobody wants a hippo (now he lives forever in a little dark house without windows like the eagles) But I know that many people want to have turtles and tropical birds. They don´t know where they come from (most of the time from the wild) and they were transport in a unhuman way! It´s all about fucking money. Just take a dog or cat or rabbit...

Anyone have an oppinion too about this??

I'm glad you were fired..... I totally agree with your opinion on this. It's sick the way some ppl do anything for money! The animals should be kept were they are naturally, and one shouldn't keep an animal that are naturally wild, as a pet. Whe it concerns human children one always says one has to look at the best for the child, not oneself, and it should be the same obout animals!
Originally posted by YMIR
I worked by a animal dealer. I hate fucking dealers in animals but I had to for school. Any way I am fired now!!!! (hehe this is more for the nicest things that happened you lately thread) I am fired because I didn´t want to put the turtles with 25 in a box of 20 cm because that is unhuman. They had also too many tropical birds and some illegal bird of preys. They had a hippo too!!

But I tell ya this because I wan´t to say. Don´t you ever buy this kind of animals. I know nobody wants a hippo (now he lives forever in a little dark house without windows like the eagles) But I know that many people want to have turtles and tropical birds. They don´t know where they come from (most of the time from the wild) and they were transport in a unhuman way! It´s all about fucking money. Just take a dog or cat or rabbit...

Anyone have an oppinion too about this??

I totally agree with you as well.
And if people want dogs and cats, they should rescue them from legitimate shelters, and not purchase them from pet stores (where they often come from places like puppy mills, etc.).
I got a new rabbit today and be sure it will have a good home here with me :)
Melle is just 8 weeks old and only as big as my hand. :)
Everyone....! Meet Hammie the necro hamster!!! >:o)


Just got Hammie today, and I haven't checked if it's a boy/girl
yet, so it'll go by the name Hammie until I know :oP hehe...

This übercute thing is only a month old or so and it seems like
it's never used a wheel before because it's unstopable! :o))
*Stares at hamster running like mad* Love it!

More pics here:

Very dark shots, but I'll update you with more cute pics as the
days/weeks/years go by! hehe... :o)

Now, Morg, have any more, or newer pics of your cute little
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