Pet photo thread!

Yeah, it's me. Guesss you already found that out in the avatar
thread. :spin:

That little kittie is adorable!!!! :cry: So cute I alsmost cry..... :) :) I wish I had a pet.....

For now I only have two plants (and I don't even know what a kaktus is in english...), but one of them at least have a name! She has a red kind of ball on the top, like a little head, so since she's a kaktus, I call her Lille My. The other one don't have a name yet... haven't found one that fits well enough... The only boring thing, is that I cannot cuddle with them... But at least they don't die! :grin:

edit: Many cute katuser: :grin:
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
That little kittie is adorable!!!! :cry: So cute I alsmost cry..... :) :) I wish I had a pet.....

For now I only have two plants (and I don't even know what a kaktus is in english...), but one of them at least have a name! She has a red kind of ball on the top, like a little head, so since she's a kaktus, I call her Lille My. The other one don't have a name yet... haven't found one that fits well enough... The only boring thing, is that I cannot cuddle with them... But at least they don't die! :grin:

edit: Many cute katuser: :grin:

LOL!!! This thread is taking an original turn!
I like it! hehe... I used to love cactuses, and had
quite a few, they all died eventually. And then I
read something bad about them in a Feng Shui
book or whatever... hehe... I can't remember
now what it was, but to this day I have not
bought another cactus!!!... I'm just weird :oP
I don't wanna read Feng Shui, and I don't wanna know what it sais about cactuses, cause I love them too much! I hear about one thing: Don't give a knife or a sword to someone to like, either friend or a loved one, cause it will cut the relation... That made me paranoid. But it's okay if you get some sort of payment for it. If you get only 1kr for it, it's not considered a gift, and then it's okay! :p I don't like Feng Shui. It's only there to make ppl stressed!
But hehe, that was easy. Only exchange the k's with c's and you have the english word! L0L It doesn't sound very english, though... -But then, it doesn't exactly sound norwggian either! :p
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
It's only there to make ppl stressed!

Bugger! I read it was there to help people live an
easier life and let the spirits "float" or something
like that! hehehe.... >:oP Nah, I just like reading
about these things, I find it extremly interesting :o)
Originally posted by The Nomad
yeah, I'm becoming more of a European every day... damn brits I hang out with... :D

yes! I talk to a brit daily now im saying bugger every day!

damn brit buggers.....:grin:

F_V (loves you brits :p )
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
But at least they don't die! :grin:

:cry: Unfortunately that's not quite true.
I had a cactus for five years that I grew from a little tiny thing. It kept gettin bigger and bigger, and I kept buying it bigger and bigger pots... and this summer it died on me! I don't know what happened to it. I'm very sad about it.
Originally posted by llamaura
:cry: Unfortunately that's not quite true.
I had a cactus for five years that I grew from a little tiny thing. It kept gettin bigger and bigger, and I kept buying it bigger and bigger pots... and this summer it died on me! I don't know what happened to it. I'm very sad about it.

I just replanted one of my cactuses yesterday. (That one without a name) but the thing is: the plants I have had before have lasted at most a month, but these have now loved more than year! :)
I ate cactus once... didn´t taste as good as i wanted it to.
It looked so tasty in the ol´westerncartoon Lucky Luke, when one of the Dalton brothers were dried out and thirsty in the sand and found a cactus...
(ok ok, I was only about 6-7 yrs) :D
I hate cactuses :bah: especially those with the fine hairy bristles which poke into your skin and you cannot get them out because they are so thin :mad: the itching drives you mad, believe me :(
Ive had a few pets over time.

2 collared lizards
1 jeweled chameleon
6 leapord geckos
1 day gecko
1 basilisk lizard
5+ anoles
3 iguanas
2 bearded dragons
4 cats
1 dog
30+ mice
5+ spiny mice
plus eels, and many assorted fish