Pet photo thread!

Originally posted by Blackspirit

Hamsters are more my thing.... They just are... :oP Hehe

@YMIR; I dunno, maybe I had lazy hamsters, but they
didn't walk away all the time...? Hehe... But I sort of
like them walking everywhere. Making small houses
and stuff for them with books, and let them play and
explore. What sucks is when they run behind the sofa
and you really don't have time to play with them to get
them back out of there! >:o) Hehe...

But I can't really explain this, I just love those little cute
things. And we're definitely getting one now! >:o)

I want to name it Odin if it's a boy! Lol. Wanna help me
with some names? :o)

Originally posted by Hearse
No its not phtoshopped... the flash made his eyes blue somehow... I think that looks nice :)

as you see from earlier pics his eyes are brown.
I dont think cats can even have blue eyes.

my white cat has blue eyes, but not that bright blue, and Siamese usually have blue eyes, I think

(my cat isn't deaf either, like most blue eyed white cats)
Originally posted by El Diablo
Picture of my late cat who's not among us anymore.

nice cat:) but im a dog lover...
