Pet photo thread!

Well, she is my landlady's cat, but home everywhere in the house :)
She comes to visit us all and we all taking care off.
When the other cat died :cry: My landlady and I went to get two cats. Unfortunatly Lil's brother was born with a disease and only lived for 10 weeks. Just before we wanted to take them home. Lil's bro should have been my cat. Well, I have the lovely rabbit, so it's fine with one cat and the rabbit in the house.
Originally posted by Devilot
That cat is gorgeous! I love cats, but unfortunately they do not like my rats. :p

Hehehe, I used to have gerbils, the old cat used to sneak to them, then knocked against the glas, so the gerbils were in panic and then you could see her walking off with a big grin on her face. She really enjoyed it... :p
Here he is again.. awwwww - he's so cute!!!!!!! :)


very nice, Eld :lol:
I can't believe how cute that little furball is!!!!!! I love it when the ears are hanging down instead of pointing into the air. He (?) seems to cuddly!
She :D our second rabbit (another she) have normal ears, but have great colour scheme;) soon we post her pics :D
I am seriously considering getting a hamster again :eek:))
I miss having a pet and I love animals... The only
problem is that animals are not allowed in the
appartment I live in, but who would notice a little
furball? :eek:) Yupp, I really want a hamster. And I have
friends who would take care of it if I ever decide to go
away for a couple of days :eek:)
@Morg: but i have 2 female rabbits! he is only one! hehehe...

@B'spirit: buy RABBIT!!! rabbit is more cuddly and more smart than hamster :D
Originally posted by Eldzik
@B'spirit: buy RABBIT!!! rabbit is more cuddly and more smart than hamster :D

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;o((((

I don't want a rabbit, I want a HAMSTER!!!!
I love those cute little things. Pluss they are
perfect, cause they are up during the night
and asleep during the day :eek:)

This time I think I want a white or orange/
brown/white one. My first one was grey and
looked like a mouse, cutest one ever :eek:)

Rabbits are cute too of course, but they
require a bigger cage and are a bit more
difficult to take care of.

I want a koalabear too! lol! And a tiger! Gimme?!
@Morg: yeah, but my female rabbits are true evil satan metalish rabbits and they sacrifice your rabbit to Master Of Darkeness... hehehe... i'm stupid today... :D