
I've two pets.

You can see them together enjoying the sunshine.

Cuttlefish are related to Squid, and are highly intelligent.

As intelligent as Octopus? I heard Octopi can solve puzzles and do Math.

I'd like to get a scorpion. But my mom wouldn't let me, she wouldn't let me get a snake either. My mom is from Colombia and lived on a farm part of her life and almost got bitten by a rattlesnake, so she is deathly afraid of snakes.

I like my cats but I like having exotic pets, I had Chameleons, tree frogs, and I remember these two marble salamanders I caught when I lived in New Jersey, I had to release them because they weren't eating enough. I fed them worms and moths and it was cool to watch them eat.

I used to have a short tailed possum but it died a couple of months ago. It was about 8 inches long.

My two soulmates. We got them from a cat shelter in Germany. They are from Madrid. Southern European countries often kill black cats - Superstition.

They came all the way with us from Frankfurt to Glasgow....
My family has four himalayan cats, a teddy bear hamster, a russian dwarf hamster a boa constrictor, a rottweiler, and, coming soon, a pug. I love animals.
I have three rats in my apartment, and at home my family has two Shiba Inu (dogs) and three Ragdoll cats. Oh, and 4 teenage boys.

My fat rat Totoro:

Our fat cat Mokie:

Our Bruce:

My baby rat Pixel is probably the cutest thing in the world, but the only picture I have of him atm is one of him nestled in my cleavage. I'm not sure what the board rules on cleavage are, so maybe I shouldn't post it? ;)
lol I come into the pets thread and the first thing I see is major cleavage!
I got a mixed dog who might have heartworms he puking as I'm typing this:(
And I got two fish