

New Metal Member
Jun 28, 2005
Montreal, Canada
Does anyone one here have information on the old Ancestor band wich was Antti and Pekka ex-band... I would like to know if Kalmah song's are the same song with different names and etc... Also it would be freaking nice if some one had these song :) .
Thank you anyway, I'll have to search for it. It's probably somewhere in the deep world of internet...

Heh. After searching for 5 mins, I've found the Vezi Doroga song
Like I said, that's because you never looked at IRC. You don't find loads of stuff but mostly ALL what you're looking for. People sharing songs have in general up to 5000 songs with complete album exclusively of metal... I've seen bot with 30000 to 50000 songs. So when you're looking for something, like kalmah demo as example, you can find it :P