Are Kalmah changing their style?

Aug 11, 2008
First of all, I mean no disrespect to Kalmah! This is just one single opinion! I still love the six albums that are out!

That said, I can't help but think that the next Kalmah album may not be up to par with their previous work. I love everything Kalmah has released but after watching live videos from their show last week in Switzerland with their new keyboardist, I can't help but feel disappointed an apprehensive to hear new songs.

I really wanted to give the new guy a fair shot and the benefit of the doubt even though I don't like the other band he is in at all (to put it lightly) but after watching these videos and hearing him use "trance" sounds that sound weird in Kalmah's music, I'm a bit worried about their next release. You can hear it best between 2:23-2:50. He uses that same sound in 3 other songs.

I trust the Antti and the rest of the guys. Antti is quality control but the fact that they're letting this guy use these sounds makes me think that they are considered acceptable and might find their way onto the next album. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and they are trolling everyone. I don't know what to think.

I'm not going to say "bring back Pasi" or "bring back Maro" because I doubt they would have left without good reasons. In the end, as long as the guys in Kalmah are happy with what they're doing, the opinion of one disgruntled fan should mean nothing. However, my allegiance and unconditional love for the band might be at stake. I really don't want Kalmah to sound like Attack Attack!

What do the rest of you think?
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First, I don't find it so bad. I listened to some parts of other songs and I don't find that they changed their style.

Second, I will never base my opinion on videos not so well recorded...

Wait and see!
I hope not! They have already perfect style. Though I won't start to hate Kalmah if they do change their style but if they change it radically then it's different story.

I don't either base my opinions on videos.
hi Kalmah brothers, this is a another die-hard Kalmah fan from Turkey and here is my very first post which is written to this forum.

velski is also playing in a crabcore band named one morning left. he came to kalmah from this band and this trance sound is a reflection of one morning's left's musical style i think.

i want to say that, velski knows kalmah's musical style and direction, so he will not add this trance sound to kalmah's music. at least, i hope like that.

in my humble opinion Kalmah knows what they does. but we have to see their new album to base our opinions.
I was just saying this same thing a few months ago when they announced the new keyboardist. Being a keyboardist myself I was both sad to hear that Marco left but excited to see who was replacing him. After checking out the new guy's other band I was somewhat terrified XD The keys are one the main things that makes Kalmah my favorite band and though I don't find anything wrong with evolving the band's sound or style, I just hope it doesn't evolve into some weird direction :S Marco and Pasi were both insanely good and have left some big shoes to be filled, just saying...
I was definitely more than surprised when I looked up the replacement's previous band. They're fucking awful. That being said, I think that Antti and Pekka know what they're doing, and that they wouldn't have recruited him without a total understanding of how good he is technically and what he can bring to the band without controlling the band's style in a way that Antti and/or Pekka does not want.

I think any time there's a major line-up change in any band fans will always be apprehensive. Especially in a case like this where the replacement member is coming from a band that every Kalmah fan should absolutely despise. I'll hold out my judgement for the next upcoming album, though, before I knock this keyboardist or Kalmah's 'new direction' at all.

The good news is that according to a press release, Kalmah is going back to their "roots" their album cover artwork. They almost had me for a second with that announcement!
They disappointed us, or me at least, with For the Revolution and 12 gauge. Just not up to par with the old stuff. In fact, there was a definite shift with the release of The Black Waltz. While it still has some good songs, it just doesn't sound like the Kalmah I love (first three albums). The main issue is the lack of melodies.
They disappointed us, or me at least, with For the Revolution and 12 gauge. Just not up to par with the old stuff. In fact, there was a definite shift with the release of The Black Waltz. While it still has some good songs, it just doesn't sound like the Kalmah I love (first three albums). The main issue is the lack of melodies.

I used to feel the same way about The Black Waltz, but over time it has become not only my favourite Kalmah album, but one of my favourite albums of all-time. Go back and revisit it again and again, and you will see it grows on you.
The ''trance sounds'' are in Seventh Swamphony, so they might be in some other songs too.
They disappointed us, or me at least, with For the Revolution and 12 gauge. Just not up to par with the old stuff. In fact, there was a definite shift with the release of The Black Waltz. While it still has some good songs, it just doesn't sound like the Kalmah I love (first three albums). The main issue is the lack of melodies.

that's bizarre for you because i've loved swamplord since 2004 and for the revolution and 12 gauge are my favorite albums after swamplord.
Wolves on the throne. Before the solos, some epic TRANCE sounds. What do ya think? My friends say it's copied from a famous pop song.
Wolves on the throne. Before the solos, some epic TRANCE sounds. What do ya think? My friends say it's copied from a famous pop song.

In my personal opinion, i think the new guy on keys did a damn good job on the new album. There was not one section of keys that i thought was out of place or didnt belong all together. For the most part, my favorite sections were the ones with the amazing key/guitar breaks like in Deadfall. Hollo, and Wolves On The Throne.

I will not hate on anyone who didnt like the new album; they will have to find out on their own why they are wrong :kickass: