Ancient – Night Visit


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Ancient – Night Visit
Metal Blade Records – 13th July 2004
By Russell Garwood


Norway’s Ancient play an entertaining black metal concoction. Contemporary raw black metal is clearly the strongest influence, but symphonic sections and female recitations ring of Cradle Of Filth, while the opening of “Horroble” betrays thrash/death leanings. At other times the music is strongly reminiscent of melodic metal. The guitars utilize occasional riffs, an effective change from the otherwise rhythm-based backings. In atmospheric sections acoustics are used to great effect, with – unusually – growls over the top. These passages are augmented by the strongly atmospheric symphonics, which are far less prominent in heavier moments. The vocals are a semi-guttural rasp, reminiscent of Dimmu Borgir’s Shagrath. Male speech is also used throughout, giving the music a bombastic feel. The bass, when audible, is solid, while the heavily-triggered drums are tight and varied. Using a wide variety of beats, and regular fills, they can show a complexity seldom found in raw black metal.

All this makes Night Visit an enjoyable release. It isn’t without flaws, however. Sometimes the music can lack individuality, feeling instead like a collection of different styles mashed together, and as such it lacks originality. More confidence would help this, and despite a slight formulaic feel, the songs are entertaining listening, with good atmosphere, and clear, well balanced production. As such, black metal fans are likely to enjoy Ancient’s work, as it is one of the superior recent releases in a stagnating field.


Official Ancient website
Official Metal Blade Records website