Ancient places and tales from your area...

Not really a great story but the mansion where we spent our prom is said to be haunted and it's got a bloodstain on the floor that can't be washed away.
Some girl drowned in the well in the garden there too.
I wish my neighbourhood had ancient storyes.
The whole place was settled just 150 years ago - so, the only stories are from my ancestors. No sagas, no pre-history at all. Just plain stories. Some cheating, some hung ppl, some illegal graves...

If I want a menhir, I would have to build it on my own.

I´m quite sure that there are ancient myths and tales in Chile, too.
The native people must had those, too.
It would be interessting to compare native chilenic tales with tales from Europe. To different cultures, but both with reference to nature.

"If I want a menhir, I would have to build it on my own."
Good luck ;) Everything starts with a more or less crazy idea, and hunderts of years later, your builduing is a tourist attraction ;)