And how about Philly? Who's going?

Five and a half hours till the doors open!:D I"ll probably be there around 3 or 4. Like I said, fuck the cold. I'll be wearing, like I said, black cargos, leather biker jacket, black Adidas shelltops, and my Morbid angel Formulas Fatal to the Flesh Shirt(signed by Eric Rutan, nonetheless:p) So I'll see all you guys there
I will be there. Proudly wearing my "Morningrise" shirt. I'm from Philly, but also saw the show at Irving Plaza in NYC on Sunday night, and let me tell you, if the show is even HALF as good as the one they put on there, we're all in for a treat.
So I went to the Worcester, MA show, driving total of over 400 miles that day, just to see Opeth. In the process, something whacky happened to my car, and its not repaired yet. That didnt stop me from going to the New York show since thats where I live....but now I have 4 tickets for the Philly show, and no car!

looks like i have to borrow my dads car... this sux. I will be there though! Seeing these guys live is so much fun!

Just got home from the show, and I'm still in awe.:p Simply awesome show. Met and got pictures and autographs from Peter, Mike, and Martin L. Caught one of Martin's drumsticks, too:p All in all, amazing show by an amazing bunch of guys, who stood around in the below freezing weather to talk to the only fans stupid enough(or with enough balls) to wait for them.

By the by, Congrats, Opeth, on the most rockstar act I've ever seen a band do(people who were there should know what I'm talking about:p)
Just as an FYI on that rule about not forming lines until a half hour before the show. The Troc. does that as a courtesy to the other stores and restaurants in the area. A giant group of kids lined up down the street and around the corner in front of the other businesses is kinda rude. So they try to compromise by not starting lines too early.

It sucks, but it's necessary.