and now I see Alexi's Steve Vai Influence

Oct 22, 2002
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Alright listen to "You're better off dead" solo timing about 2.58m it comes after two big sweeps. Such a Vai lick that he plays there! Kind of like when Vai makes his guitar laugh.

Anybody notice this before? Anybody got any other examples?
Oh man and his Randy influence, just listen to the HCDR solo that lick sounds sooooooo much like a lick Randy uses in Steal Away the Night. But yea really, who cares? You can hear bits and pieces of his influences all over the place. I've heard a few other licks of his that sound really Vai-ish.
damn! people! it's not like I said that Alexi sucks! He's fricking awesome! It's Alexi Laiho!

But I was hearing the track, noticed the similarity and thought I'd tell you all, mainly to see if you've noticed this or other of his influences being shown on his solos, but if you don't like it, then delete the thread! that's it.

Plus it's not like he stole the lick! it shows that Vai is one of his influences, that's it.
Wings of a dream said:
damn! people! it's not like I said that Alexi sucks! He's fricking awesome! It's Alexi Laiho!

But I was hearing the track, noticed the similarity and thought I'd tell you all, mainly to see if you've noticed this or other of his influences being shown on his solos, but if you don't like it, then delete the thread! that's it.

Plus it's not like he stole the lick! it shows that Vai is one of his influences, that's it.

I didn't care what you think of alexi as a player... He's nothing special.... I just wondered if anyone gave a fuck, is all
NeedledWarheart said:
I didn't care what you think of alexi as a player... He's nothing special.... I just wondered if anyone gave a fuck, is all
better than you are...why bother posting here when pretty much everything you say is negative toward the band
A) Been here longer than you, kiss my ass
B) You've never heard me Play, and even if he is better (which i admit), then why does that not mean i can't say he's nothing special... I can name 15 guitarists that are way better.
C)Why must you constantly kiss his ass (that goes for all you fanboys out there).
NeedledWarheart said:
A) Been here longer than you, kiss my ass
B) You've never heard me Play, and even if he is better (which i admit), then why does that not mean i can't say he's nothing special... I can name 15 guitarists that are way better.
C)Why must you constantly kiss his ass (that goes for all you fanboys out there). not kissing anyones ass...but hell yeah im a big cob fuckin what...its a children of bodom message board...what the hell do you expect...and i dont think alexi is a god or anything...he sure as hell is a great guitar player and a great song writer and a good technical player and yes i know guys who would own him technically(becker, angelo, romeo and so fourth)...and i apologize for the "hes better than you comment"...was immature on my part...but hey my day has been kinda shitty so i felt like venting...anyways no hard feelings...i just didnt understand your reason for posting shit like...who cares about alexis influences and blah blah...if you dont like it why read it..
hey needled, stfu. nowadays all you do is come on here and put down other opinions. this is a CoB board, so we will talk about CoB and their players. And of course their is going to be fanboys, thats what this forum is for. and who the fuck are you?

Alexi is a pretty good guitarist, better than most out their nowadays. Sure hes not the best, but he is pretty kickass. and since this is a CoB forum, i see it as appropriate discussion.

I think the guy is mucho talented, I love the way COB songs are structured for the most part. They flow together nicely and he knows how to throw down some kick ass solos. If anyone says the guy is lame or sucks or whatever, you are out of your mind He is a very good musician.
yeah needled...its a board so we are free to post whatever and in you too but you have to respect what ppl think even if they think different from you.
if you dont have something good to say keep your mouth shut.
Geez the week this was a pretty interesting post i think. I remember Alexi saying that Passion and Warfare influenced him a lot in his playing. I wondered where the Vai influences came in hence this thread. Another intresting fact, the first song he learned to play was Nothing Else Matters