...And Oceans

Sep 1, 2001
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does anybody listen to this band? is this band good? are they worth checking out?
Who do they sound like and what style is their music cause im thinking of checking them out.
:lol: SentencedToBurn do NOT listen to Tribal!!
...and Oceans are an amazing band... my favorite black metal band actually, and despite the new album (which is horrible) their first two albums were so unique and refreshing for the genre.
Its far from "techno black metal" and if you want an idea of what they sound like, get the first two albums "dynamic gallery of thoughts" or "symmetry of I" and their best IMO being "mechanic hippie" from the latter album. Forget the new album though , its trash, probably just Century Media's attempt to build up popularity with a new signing .
I think this band is amazing.
I like to call them techno black metal, because it
has a lot of influences from that genre, but this
shouldn't keep you from checking this band out. I
love their albums, it's really something new to
black metal. It actually has melody! >:eek:)
This thing has probably been done before,
but ...and oceans does it good! It sounds extreme
though, I guess you either love or hate it :eek:)
I only have A.M.G.O.D. (their newest release) - it's really nice but couldn't hold my attention for too long... there are some really good parts, but then there is one boring instrumental and a whole techno-only track at the end of the album :mad: