And one of the best progressive rock albums to be released this year is...


Faith Puppeteer
Sep 25, 2005
California, US
The Bedlam In Goliath By The Mars Volta. I know there are some fans of the band on the board (largely of the first album), but I encourage everyone to check the new disc out. The whole album is great and probably their most focused, energetic effort since the band's debut.

Also, if anyone else has heard it, I'd love to get your take on it. :headbang:

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Just couldn't get into it. Nothing to really hold onto. Felt pretty unfocused to me.
Try the new Tiles, it will kick your ass, as to Mars Volta, seen them many times as they are originally from the El Paso area, They were huge when they were here and were really nobody's, and even today WHEN, and IF they ever come here it is sold out, yeah they forgot where they came from.
I don't like the new Tiles too much. It has a lot of promise, but never fulfilled. It has one killer song though. The rest of it I at times want to hit them for their choice of lyrics. The band definitely went in a more 'riff' direction, which is great. I enjoy more developed songs. But there was a lack of warmth, a lack of catchiness. I just was left empty after too many songs.
I never really got into The Mars Volta, or At The Drive In for that matter, but I don't really knock anyone who listens to them. Like ...AndTimeBegan said, there is a LOT worse out there.
It's a different style of signing for sure but I wouldn't call it whining (at least not the kind we'd associate with bands like Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco).
I didn't mean whining in the snese that "mommy didn't love me enough", just whining in the sense that he sounds whiny. Everytime I hear his voice I want to hit him.... hard.

This is my favorite disc from them since Deloused in the Comatorium, but I still don't think it's anything special. It's better than the last 2 albums by far though.