and speaking of Motley Crue...


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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...if they had stayed on the road first explored in "Too Fast" and "Shout" and had not strayed left with 'theatre', 'girls' and 'feelgood', would they have potentially been one of metal's best ever bands?

Their first two albums are flawless. Everything after - while good - was greatly flawed (sans the immaculate Corabi album, which is a classic!). They could have been giants because of their music. They could have been huge in spite of the death, destruction, drugs and cock-size.

Ahhh, Soundmaster, my friend. You make some great points. MOTLEY CRUE is one of my top 5 favorite bands of all time, and if I made a list of my top 10 albums of all time, SHOUT and TOO FAST are in there! I agree. When Theater came out I was as shocked at the time as I was when Metallica did "load". Vince went from leather and spikes to...gulp....PINK spandex, lace and even ladies garter belts?!?!? From then on it was all "good" like you said but they were never "dangerous" again after that. I really liked Theater, GGG's, Feelgood, and everything after (and even MC 94 though I admit vince is my man so I missed him...) that but so did everybody else!!! All the sudden, when Home Sweet Home hit you had every jock, and preppy on your ass in line at the record store to buy a copy of that thing when all you wanted to do was grab the new Metallica or Anthrax and get the hell outta there. It got annoying to me. I liked them best when my friends' moms wouldn't let them have the albums! haha (my mom was always pretty cool on music). Anyways....I still love Motley and even Generation Swine and New Tattoo have their strengths...but they have never come close to being "metal" like on the first 2 discs! AND WHATEVER HAPPENED TO WEARING WRESTLING SHOES, DAMMIT! hahahaha
Last night the play a short interview with the band on VH-1, followed by the video for
"If I Die..." I can't get into that track & the video features very little of the band.
I still think Tommy did not play on that track & it's questionable if Mick did either...
Sounds like they pulled a KISS folks...
SoundMaster said:
They've been a Kiss clone for the past few years actually, what with all of the best ofs & boxed sets.
And now a reunion tour? Gene Simmons incarnate.

It's only a matter of time until Sixx starts up with Motley merchandise.
They are well on their way. Though, I can't imagine there being Motley Crue slippers, caskets,ect. & them selling....:tickled: