and they're at it again.


Damn Christians!
Aug 15, 2006
Boyton, WPB, FL
Texas GOP platform: criminalize gay marriage and ban sodomy, outlaw strip clubs and pornography

The Texas Republican Party gives a whole new meaning to the word conservative.

The GOP there has voted on a platform that would ban oral and anal sex. It also would give jail sentences to anyone who issues a marriage license to a same-sex couple (even though such licenses are already invalid in the state).

“We oppose the legalization of sodomy,” the platform says. “We demand that Congress exercise its authority granted by the U.S. Constitution to withhold jurisdiction from the federal courts from cases involving sodomy.”

The Lone Star state initially passed a law barring sodomy in 1860. Violators faced anywhere from five to 15 years in prison. The ban was overturned in 2003.

In addition, the platform says that homosexuality “tears at the fabric of society, contributes to the breakdown of the family unit and leads to the spread of dangerous communicable diseases.”

It also states that homosexuality must not be presented as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle in public schools and “family” should not be redefined to include homosexual couples.

The 25-page proposal, presented last week as a guide for the state GOP over the next two years, includes other measures including outlawing “sexually oriented businesses” like strip clubs and banning “all pornography.”
yeah right, like these guys aren't going around looking for blowjobs every chance they get


like you're not gonna find them hanging out in the strip clup looking to bang a dancer in the ass

do we really NEED texas? I mean seriously, do we actually NEED that state?
WHAT THE FUCK. I'm about to explode here. If this passes, I'm moving out of this state.
Do any real people actually think this is right?? (I don't consider the people that proposed this real people)

The state itself isn't bad, in fact some of the Mexican dancers in the San Antonio and Houston area are pretty fucking hot! There is no way this is going to pass, the Bush Christians are just trying to push their weight around again and get their mind off their ever expanding "oil crisis"...... FUCK YOU BUSH!

I know this really has nothing to do with oil, Its just fun to fuck with Bush

On a more serious note, my brother is a flaming faggot (his term not mine) and if hes not allowed to get fucked in the ass by his BF I am gonna be pretty fucking pissed cause then hes gonna have to call me all the time to tell me how hes miserable cause hes not getting any. I don't need this phone call daily!!!

Alrighty, I'm not saying I support what is in the OP in anyway, but hear me out-

I did a quick run through of the Texas GOP site.... It doesn't mention any of this anywhere in their platform or on their site.

A quick google search yields this same copied article on about 100 sites, all liberal blogs and such. No other results are found, and none of the big news networks have any stories on this(even the lefty news).

The article quotes no persons, doesn't mention a bill number of any sort, and has no sources listed.

Am I the only person that noticed all this?

Edit- Okay nevermind, I found the actual Texas GOP platform pdf... It's all in there.
Even though you were wrong I appreciate skepticism and due diligence. Too many people blindly accept information that falls into their preconceived notions without looking further.
:kickass: :lol:

And the funny thing is...Houston now has an openly gay/lesbian mayor. So what do they (those idiots in Austin) plan to do with her? :)


Too good opportunity to waste. ;)
sn, you should start a blog called "fucking christians" (edit: or something less provocative that won't get instantly deleted) and post these as the context

You know, that's not a bad idea. :devil:

How exactly do you investigate a suspected "sodomizer"? (that should be a real word:loco:) I just don't get how a law like this would work.:confused: