... and you think just dobbermann's and pitbull's are bastards... read this

Hmm, could we get a bit closer on the toddler's face? I can't quite make out every detail of his wounds

In all seriousness though, it really is tragic, and miraculous that he survived - and I'm also glad they included this bit:

'If a dog is not used to the attention, it's just not worth it. You should just not have them in the same room.'
I'm always amazed as to why people let small children near animals. They're animals.. they have barely any higher reasoning functions, they simply react on instinct. If they're in a shitty mood and a toddler decides to pat their head, they might just decide to go ape shit. It just seems like an immensely stupid thing to do, IMO. Until the children are old enough to be aware of how their own actions cause reactions, it's just a gamble.
Eh, it's more than just instinct, animals of course can become acclimated to conditions and people, so if the owners had always known the pooch to be docile and friendly then I can see why they wouldn't be concerned. FWIW I agree with you about how they shouldn't have left the kid unattended, but I can understand why they thought it was safe (Rufus is great with kids, for example)
Plus he's like handsome and shit.

Y'know what else gets me? We immediately put down dogs that do this sort of thing, but not humans? Wtf. You'd think having the higher reasoning to understand why to NOT do shit like this would make it more inexcusable...
A dog is just one step away from a wolf, and any intelligent person knows better than to let a small person play with a demi-wolf! An adult human vs. any medium-sized dog is just barely an even match (for the human) when fought barehanded, not to mention a 2-year-old baby. It's purely the stupidity of the family to blame here, not the dog. Animals cannot be reasoned with, so you should respect them for what they are.
A dog is just one step away from a wolf, and any intelligent person knows better than to let a small person play with a demi-wolf! An adult human vs. any medium-sized dog is just barely an even match (for the human) when fought barehanded, not to mention a 2-year-old baby. It's purely the stupidity of the family to blame here, not the dog. Animals cannot be reasoned with, so you should respect them for what they are.

Great post.
Very easy to look through rose-colored glasses when we see a domesticated dog playing with a stuffed toy and saying it's cute and forget that it's just in fact a beast like any other out there in the wild really.
I once said to a friend, whenever I see my dog in my backyard, I envision her (my dog) in the wild with other animals rather than just merely thinking "Naww, look at that cute fluffy, hairy little thing!" (like practically any girl would haha).
And whenever I see my dog lying on the couch, on the pillows, I find it funny (also in the sense that it literally does somehow amuse me too) to see that essentially this wild animal has all these creature comforts and we try to see it as nothing but a dog that belongs mainly in and around the house, when really pretty much the same as any wild boar or monkey or elephant or indeed, a wolf as you said, out there.

My friends think my brain is pretty warped for me to just be able to sit down and think about shit like that in the first place and see beyond the fact it's a domestic dog:lol: but it definitely makes complete sense when you look at it the way I do.
Well the whole domesticated thing is more than just where an animal is raised, Harold - that couch potato of yours is the result of centuries of selective breeding of the puss traits in wolves, so while the animal instincts are there, they're a lot more subdued
Poor kid, poor dog, I feel bad for all the animals involved. Everything turned out awful.

My smallest dog "My little man" Teddy will sit comfortable by a lizard or duck but run from his own shadow. He also runs from kids, he knows what they'll do.
The ONLY reason this is NOT headline news in the UK is the breed of dog involved . If a Rottweiler etc farts near a kid it makes national headlines and every one freaks out and all dogs should be shot ! Small kids and dogs of any breed should be seriously monitored , there is always human error involved when looking into cases like this .
I really fucking hate pet owners who think their dogs are more important than people.
The fucking animals will bark at you and threaten to bite you (for no reason) as you go by on the street, and they just act like their beloved 'pooch' is entitled to do so, or something :mad: (of course not all dog owners, but a lot of them are like that).

I swear if i had a pistol, I'd shoot the fucking thing in between the eyes! (of course only if the animal is being really agressive to me, for no reason whatsoever). And if the owner also barks at me, then I'd show him the gun as well :heh:

People are more important than animals. All and every time.